Does AT&T Factory unlock Iphones?

If you get your iphone unlocked by AT&T do they factory unlock it or software unlock it?

Added (1). They do unlock iphones look it up, my question is if they factory unlock them or software unlock them.

Added (2). THEY UNLOCK IPHONES: I just don't know if they factory unlock or software unlock them.

Can I switch two numbers between 2 iphones?

My mom has the iPhone 5 and I have the iPhone 4 and she wants my phone instead and I want hers. Is it possible to switch numbers on both sim cards so I'd have the 5 with my number and she'd have the 4 with her number?

How to get rid of assisted touch on the iphone 5?

I was playing around with the settings on the triple press of the home button on my iphone 5 and i pressed assisted touch and now i have to press everything twice for it to be recognized. I want to scroll down to the settings and turn it off but it won't let me scroll.

IPhone 4S JB and lost all apps?

I have a iPhone 4S, and it was jail broken version 4.2.1. I went into settings general and erase all content and settings by accident. Now when the phone is on, EVERY SINGLE app is gone, even the original app. Like the setting, message, safari apps. All of those are gone, not even one app is in the phone. My Cydia is gone. But I plug my phone in and sync my games app and it's playable, it goes in but the original app is still gone. I went to itunes to restore it doesn't work. I redownloaded the firmware of the same version and restore still doesn't work. How do I fix this and still keep it 4.2.1. Version so I can rejailbreak this?