What do I need to buy for a cracked iPhone?

I cracked the front of my iPhone today and I was going to try to buy the parts and fix it myself. So I know I can buy the parts on eBay, but what does "touch screen with digitizer- LCD not included" is that what I need? I have no clue what a digitalizer is… Or LCD T-T

Setting up ringtone on iPhone 4?

I can't set up a ringtone for my iPhone 4 so I can hear the ringtone as someone calls. I have gone into Settings and Sounds and turned up the volume of the ringtone. However, when someone calls, the iPhone only vibrates and doesn't ring.

What other ways can ringtone be activated and hears on the iPhone 4?

Photos not sending through iMessage when on Wi-Fi?

I have an iPhone 4S running iOS6 (although I was having this issue pre-iOS6). My iPhone sends iMessages, so long as they are text, fine, delivers read receipts, everything fine when I'm on Wi-Fi. It used to send photos on all the Wi-Fi connections I typically use (home, campus, favorite coffee shop, etc.) but about a week prior to iOS 6 it decided it would no longer send photos via iMessage. When I want to send a photo I have to turn off my wireless, and send the photo on data. Then I turn wireless right back on and resume sending texts via iMessage. I have no issues with other Wi-Fi functions - web browsing, etc. Is unaffected.
SMS and MMS are on. My iMessaging is directly linked to my phone number, not my Apple ID, if that makes a difference?

Hoping someone can help with this, especially since it appears its not my wireless signal thats the problem as my iPhone has decided to do this over multiple different wireless signals it used to not have an issue with.

Siri not working on iphone 4s?

I just bought a new iphone 4s from verizon, it has the ios 6 update, ived read that you have to go to settings, general settings and then siri but when i go to the general settings there isn't a siri option, please help

Added (1). Yes ived reset the phone already, hold down the home button and sleep

Service problems with my iPhone 3GS?

I recently bought an iPhone 3GS off kijiji, I had one before bit dropped it in water yesterday so I thought I would get another one. I'm pretty sure my SIM card is all good but I could be wrong. What do I do? Does a SIM card get ruined from being dropped in water?

Activate iPhone 4 from ebay?

I currently have an iPhone 3 through ATT. I just won an auction on ebay for an iPhone 4. I'm pretty excited. However, I'm wondering what I will need to do once I get it to activate it? Is there something that I need from the seller? Is it as simple as just moving SIM cards? I think I've read somewhere that I need to sync it with iTunes… Is that difficult? My 3 I bought through ATT and they activated it for me. I'm afraid they won't help me with this one since I didn't buy it through them. ANY help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Added (1). How do I know if it needs a microSIM card? I hope ATT helps. Last time, I brought them my Blackberry and my new iPhone and they did everything for me. I'd love to do that again. Are SIM cards expensive? Like, if I had to buy one, about how much do they cost?

What happens if you interrupt redsn0w?

I tried to give my iPhone 4 a tethered boot and the process interrupted after uploading the first or second stage. Now it won't turn on no matter what I do, hold home+power for even a minute, even played with the silent switch.