What to use to play music in my truck?

I have an iphone 4s on which all of my music is played. I just got a f150 2007 and it doesn't have an auxiliary cord plug in area. Is there anyway i can connect my phone to my car radio to play music? Please answer as soon as possible.

Added (1). I'm looking more along the lines of is there like a auxiliary cord that connects to the cigarette outlet or something like that?

Why are dreams so realistic?

Isn't it strange how realistic they are? Like this morning I was apparently asleep but anyways,
I was just waking up and I checked my IPhone. Then I saw all these facebook messages from my crush and they all said like i love you and stuff. Then a few minutes later I actually wake up into real life and I checked my phone to see if they were real and they werent. Pooo.xD

But anyways, why are dreams so realistic, and what makes them that way.

How to get free music on my iphone 4?

I want free music on my iphone 4. Its not jailbroken and i don't want to, but can anyone tell me how to get free music? Also i don't want " downloader lite " or any apps that have its own browsing thing

Why won't my iPhone work properly (iPhone 5 AT&T)?

So I just got my iphone 5 afew days ago and I'm extremely happy but just the other day I was on my way to a police department down in Santa Barbara and when I wanted to look up the address it wouldn't load… And my txt messages were sendin out as txts not as iMessages… And I had full bars the whole time so I don't understand? And then it kinda gets heated up when the Internet doesn't want to work any tips for me or what you think I shud keep in mind cus I obviously don't know my iPhone very well… Ps first iPhone owned

My IPhone 4 won't stop shuffling?

When I click on a song the phone just moves over to the next song and then to the next.It
says 1 of 112 and just switches to another song. Oh and I checked the shuffle button us not on. Can someone please give me a concrete answer I've been to a lot of sites and haven't had a good answer.

What are some cool iphone apps?

I'm saving up for an iphone (5). Its my first iphone, I've had the ipod touch but it broke after 2 years, haha and last I heard everyone was obsessing over temple run and simsimi. So its been a while!

Getting to the point, what are some cool apps a 15 year old girl would enjoy?

I know about
-pudding camera
-fb, twitter, tumblr

but what else should I get?
. Preferably free