How does icloud work for my apple devices?
I notice my iphone has this icloud feature on it. How does it work? Do i need to register or synch anything up manually? I also have a macbook pro if that matters.
I notice my iphone has this icloud feature on it. How does it work? Do i need to register or synch anything up manually? I also have a macbook pro if that matters.
Why do my pictures come out all blurry when I use the flash on my iPhone 4?
Added (1). The pic comes out completely hazy, you can't make out what anything is. It does this even after I tap to focus.
I got a 32 GB iphone 5. If i put all my music on there + all my apps, pictures, and videos, ill only have about 1 GB left. Will this slow down my iphone at all? What if i end up using all the storage?
Added (1). What's a good of amount of storage to leave free in order for performance not to be affected?
I'm thinking of changing to verizon for my cell phone carrier. I also plan to be getting a new phone. The iPhone 4 would be free, so this seems as though it would be a good deal, unless the phone would be getting phased out. The iPhone 4s is $100, and the iPhone 5 is $200. I know that the iPhone 5 has a longer screen, so would that mean apps and such for the old sized screen of the 4 (and 4s?) are being phased out? Also, the contract would be for two years.
I just got a new iphone 4s from them today because my lock button jammed over the weekend.
when he brought my new iphone over it came in a black box that was sealed and he had to take the sim card out of my old one and put it into my new one?
i was wondering if the phone i have now is refurbished?
How To Unlock iPhone 4 & 4S?
Found an iPhone 5 last night. The phone is off so I can't see anything. What should Ido?
Added (1). I knew that some idiot would think I want to keep it. So just to make it clear, I do own an Iphone. I'm TRYING to do the right thing.
To be more specific the one when the iphone is bouncing multiplying into the ipod nano. I tried looking for it on youtube but nothing really came up. I vaguely remember the cover art had a blue background and a man on it. Probably not helpful but tell me please!
I had jut the intro on my droid from zune music. But now i have a iphone and can't find it anywhere, i don't know the name or anything about it
Will it work on any cdma network worldwide? It yes how? Do i just insert any cdma simcard or what
Added (1). Its clean ESN. Will it work in asia on a cdma network. I'm not asking about gsm network.