I'm so angry right now because I'm not trying to use any data, I can't turn on my Wi-Fi because its greyed out meaning I can't turn it on or off it's just grey. What do I do like I'm getting annoyed ever since the iOS 6 update my phones being stupid

How to jailbreak iPhone 4s IOS 6.0?

I just got an iPhone 4s. The iphone is on IOS 6.0. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me jailbreak it. I've already jailbroken other iDevices so I know the basics. I just wanted to know if it's possible yet. If so, I wanted to know what program to use.

IPhone 4S rear camera not working?

I decided to try to replace my front glass of my phone by myself, and when I put the phone back together the rear camera wouldn't work. I downloaded an app that would allow the front camera to work. I bought a replacement camera from eBay, but that one won't work either. Is there something else I could replace?

Is my iPhone 5 battery lasting?

I have always thought that my iPhone 5 battery had a problem, so I decided to go on here and find some online help. My battery was 75% and my usage was 1 hour, 19 minutes, with my standby for 4 hours and 30 minutes. Is this a good, average or bad battery, and should I get it replaced by Apple?

Where can i downloa minecraft full version for free?

Well i have been searching for days and i can't find minecraft full version for free. I have it for my iphone and its really adicting so i want is for pc because there are more mobs and monsters so please help. Please don't give me sites with surveys. Thanks. And also tell me the steps on how o install it and be able to play it because i downloaded one but it doesn't work.

Will the apple app store ever get pokemon?

Its my turn to get a new phone and I want the iphone 5, but I'm really addicted to playing pokemon games on my droid. Is there any way to get these games on the iphone WITHOUT JAILBREAK? Or do you think it's possible for these games ever to come on the app store? Please help, this may decide whether I get apple or android.

Can the lg env touch get instagram?

I can't get an iphone but I'm getting and lg env touch and its really awesome, but I wanted to have an instagram! I was wondering if there was any way to use instagram on an lg env touch?

If not I heard it works on an ipod touch, and I'm getting one for Christmas so I guess I could just use it then. Thanks (:

Added (1). Umm wtf I want it because I want it. Go away.

How to update ios to an older version?

I want to update my iphone 4.2.1 wich is unlocked to a carrier here in brasil, but the ios wich is on itunes 6.0.1 does not have a unlock yet, and i won't be able to use my phone, so i was wondering if i could update my iphone to an older version such as 5.0.1?

Added (1). So from what that first awnser said, i would have to first upgrade to 6.0.1 and then downgrade?