Does a defender otterbox protect my iPhone 4s from steam?

I have a defender series otterbox on my iPhone 4s, will it protect my phone against steam if I have it in the bathroom while I shower? I've looked online and it said that it wasn't technically water proof, but it did protect it against water somewhat? I don't want to risk the sensor making my warranty invalid, so I was wondering if anyone knew if it worked or not.

Added (1). I like to listen to music while I shower, so that was why I would have my phone in the bathroom sitting on the sink or something

Robbed and iPhone taken. What now?

On Monday my fiancé got robbed. Three guys came up to us punched him, dragged him to the ground and ripped his bag off, I tried to call 911 but one of them ripped the phone out of my hand. We filed a police report about it, but sadly I had no insurance on the phone. Is there any possible way to get it replaced without paying full price, possibly the price you pay when you get added to the family plan? I can't afford 300 dollars or so so what can I do?

Upgrading to an iPhone 5, will I lose my contacts?

Okay so I have an iPhone 3G and I'm upgrading to the iPhone 5 today. Do your contacts from the old phone show up on the new phone? I know there's a new SIM card for the iPhone. It is much smaller. I looked on iTunes to see if my contacts every synced into it, but iTunes doesn't even have an address book.So. Should I write down all 105 of my contacts on a piece of paper? Just to be safe? Is there a faster way to do this? You might say use the address book on the mac but I do not have a mac. Please help, especially if you know from experience!

My iPhone 5 speaker does not work properly?

I have a similar issue and think its software related. Siri sounds very tinny in the iPhone 5 compared to 4s. Lock sounds, key sounds also much quieter but get better if you turn them off and on - hence why I think it's software prob. Same with external speaker and headphones.

Please Apple release update. Call volume is great in mine, just Siri sounds terrible and low lock and key sounds.

My iphone isn't working - 1

Ok so I have an iphone 4S with verizon. I've had this phone since May 2012. I wake up the morning and press the center button to check the time, but it does nothing. I press it again. Nothing. I press the top button and nothing happens. I hold down the top button and nothing happens. It put it on the charger and nothing is happening. I have no idea what could be wrong with it, it didn't fall last night or anything and it was working just fine last night. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

Added (1). Yeah i just said in the question i've held down the top button for like a minute nothing happens

Added (2). Ok the only thing that happens when i hold down the center and top button is the apple logo flashes but then nothing

How do pay monthly contracts work?

I'm thinkin gof buying a iPhone 4 8gb phone by paying monthly, but how does it work? Do i pay the amount at the end of every month or what? And when it says stuff like 100 mintues what does that mean? That you have 100 minutes per month or what? And how much is 250mb data usage? When i get my iphone i will be using the internet everyday and i will go on websites like facebook and twitter, is 250mb enough?