Which should i get? The iphone 4 or ipod 5?

I'm saving up for an ipod 5 but then I started thinking about an iphone 4. The iphone 4S and 5 are too expensive for me (since I'm only 13) but I'm perfectly fine with the iphone 4. But I like the look of the ipod 5. And I sorta want an iphone because I always want to use the apps that need Wi-Fi to work but I never can because I'm not at home where I have Wi-Fi. Getting an iphone 4 would allow me to use my data anywhere with 3G. I'm kinda tied because I like siri (which is on the ipod 5) but I also like the iphone 4. Which should I go with?

How will it work if I buy my iPhone from amazon? - 1

Okay, so I want to buy a new iPhone but I don't want to pay the CRAZY upgrade fee from AT&T. Money is very tight at the moment.So, if I just bought a regular iPhone from amazon or eBay, and brought into the AT&T store or something would it work just fine? I'm confused! Help! Thanks in advance! It would be a 4 or 4s. And i'm with AT&T

How to get my iphone 4 to stop streaming and making the bill higher?

I have pandora on my iphone 4 and everytime i use it it takes up space then it goes back down to its regular space. But the more it streams the higher the bill gets so is it that IF I HAVE Wi-Fi WILL IT MAKE THE BILL LOWER? What can i do to make it stop steaming so the bill won't get high but i can still text and use the phone features?

Why does my iPhone 4 keep using my data

So yesterday I gave this girl my phone to use and she didn't tell me that she needed to download a PDF on my iPhone, but she did it, and right away I got a notification from AT&T saying that I had used 65% of my data plan. So right away, I went and turned my location services, my cellular data, and my 3G off. They've been off since yesterday morning. Then just now, I got another notification from AT&T saying that I've used 90% of my data plan! And I haven't used any data since I got the 65% data usage, so I'm not sure what's going on? I looked on the apple support page and people have said that it's apps that use the data? But if I turned my 3G and data off, how can it use the data? I'm really confused and very worried because I just went over my data plan last month because I wasn't sent all 3 notifications that they say they'll send (65%, 90%, and 100%; I didn't get the 90%). I can't go over again otherwise my parents were already angry that I went over last month, and I feel so bad! What should I do!

Nervous about seeing my crush later?

So my crush and I met a little over a month ago through my friend who happens to be his cousin. When we first started talking it was so obvious it liked me. But then things started slowing down. We barely talk anymore. We snapchat occasionally. Which is an iphone app where you send pictures back and forth. After not talking for a week I snapchatted him and said hi and he said "hey beautiful." And things went well that night. But now we're back to going days without talking and I just miss the way things used to be. I'm going to his football game later today because it's his last one. The thing is. He has no idea I'm going. I'll be there with my friend and their family. But I'm starting to get nervous. We haven't talked since monday and haven't seen each other in person for almost a month. I don't know if he still likes me or not based on how things have been going. I'm just scared he's gonna be wondering "why is she here?"

I dropped my iPhone 4s in tea and now the speakers won't work?

I know it sounds comical, but it really isn't.
I was sat on the sofa with my knees under my chin with a cup of tea on my lap.
I also had my iPhone in my hand. I shifted to drink my tea and dropped my iPhone in the full cup.
I tried wiping it with a tea towel, and it seemed to work fine.

Then while I was watching a YouTube video on it, the speakers suddenly started spazzing out. I stayed calm and tried to play music instead, but the sound wouldn't work on that either.

I've dropped my iPhone in water lots of times, and its always started working a few minutes afterwards.

But it's just the sound that's not working now.

Added (1). Also, I can't take it apart. I don't want to either. Isn't there ANOTHER option?

Atheists, how to make my cheap cellphone evolve into an iPhone?

It seems as though I'd need some intelligent intervention to make mindless dead matter become a sophisticated, self-replicating hard drive full of new information. But alas, the wisdom of atheism says that *mind* doesn't exist and I have to believe it because illuminati said so on TV.

IPhone 4s hangs, and flashlight flashes when i get a message?

After I downloaded the IOS 6 my phone would hang, it would flash a light when I get new messages, or return to the main screen by itself when am using an app. I already restored it, but the same problens still happen. Is there a way that i can fix it? Or should I have it replace?

Iphone 4s sim card transfer?

I'm currently on an orange contract and using a Samsung galaxy ace. I'm not due an upgrade for another 10/11 months but was wondering if it were possible for me to buy the iphone 4s and a micro sim and ask orange to transfer my contract to the iphone? Would this be 'aloud' or do i just need to wait for my next upgrade is availiable?