How to switch to my apple account?

Both me and my dad have the iPhone 4s. He got his before me, and I want to update some games on my phone but everytime I try to it comes up with his apple email and not mine, and I don't know how to change it. How can I change it to mine?

IPhone keeps freezing on the lock screen

Last night my iPhone was working just fine, it ran of of battery and then I put it on charge. It loads up to the lock screen and whenever I try to type the pass code in it freezes. Sometimes I can't even type in the pass code. I read online to restore the phone but has anyone got any explanations for this? When the phone is charging it keeps rebooting itself as well, and I have already tried to restart the phone several times.

How to completely sync mail between my iPhone and Macbook Pro? - 1

I have an iPhone 3GS with the latest iPhone software update and a Macbook Pro with the latest update of OS X Lion (10.8.2). After a lot of hard work last night I managed to use the new iMessage and Notes app on the new Macbook Pro software to sync my iMessages and Notes between my iPhone and Macbook Pro. I now use iCloud to sync my contacts, calendars and notes between my iPhone and Macbook Pro (and this works completely fine) iMessages aren't synced through iCloud but they just sync themselves I think and I use iTunes to sync my photos, music, audiobooks etc. The only thing that I have not yet been able to sync properly through either iTunes or iCloud is Mail. The Mail app on my Macbook Pro has both a google account and a account set up through it. When I attempted to sync it through iTunes I could receive emails through both of these accounts to my iPhone but when I deleted them or sorted them into folders from my Macbook Pro they remained unread, not deleted and the folders did not exist on my iPhone.i've tried to sync Mail through iCloud but I haven't been able to find a way to sync my google account and my account this way, iCloud only syncs my apple email account ( which I don't use anyway.basically I want the Mail app on my Macbook Pro and my iPhone to be completely synced (including the folders, when I sort messages into these folders from either device and when I have read and deleted messages from either device).is there any way that I can do this?

I know that this may sound really confusing, i've tried to explain it as best as I can, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask and thanks for any advice that you can offer!

Should i get my son an iphone 5?

Is the iphone 5 worht getting for my 14 year old son? He has been asking for one for over a month now, he has the money and is ready to pay for care and what not,… So i just wanted to know if the iphone 5 was just worth it, and if it is why?
If you could help me it would be great! Have a good day.

How to make custom iPhone cases?

How do they make iPhone cases like these

Is it hand made or are there any machines to do this?

Does MMS (Multimedia Messanging Service) cost extra?

I recently purchased an iPhone 5.
Carrier: Fido
Data Limit: 500 MB

I noticed that I do not have MMS listed in my plan. Without access to Wi-Fi, the cost of each MMS is 50-75 cents. Fido also states that MMS uses Data.

If I were to send a picture or video to someone, would MMS use my Data only? Or would it use my Data AND cost me 50 cents each?

How to find the route for fedex in my neighborhood?

I live in nw dc and i'm expecting a package from verizon i orded a iphone 4s on thursday around 9:30 and i paid around 12 dollars for overnight shipping?
it said i would recive it monday around three but i've heard that the truck comes early sometimes around or later sometimes around 4 and i have plans i want to stalk… Track the truck?

Albums in my music disappeared?

I synced my iPhone to my iTunes library so I could put more songs on my phone and when I checked my music none of the albums I have except the new music I just put on it have artwork, how can I get my covers back without restoring my phone?