10 QUICK points! What does it mean when guys call you baby girl? - 1
So my friend and I were having trouble getting iPhones two months ago. My friend actually suggested we go to radio shack. We did and we met this really nice guy. From the very beginning he has called me baby girl. I developed a little crush on this guy and we go into the store all the time.
One time we were in the store just chatting and he came up behind me, scaring me a bit, and gave me this really cute hug from behind. He had his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulders.
Today my friend went into the store and was talking about me. She asked if he though I was pretty and he said "Yes she is pretty." She said he was smiling and blushing while he was talking about me but kept mentioning the fact that I was only 17 and he was 28. Then he disappointedly mentioned he was married ( he had actually told ME when I asked that he was not married )
She said he kept calling me cute and saying it was cute that I had a crush on him.
So what does all this mean? He is adorable and I would never try anything but I do have a slight crush lol. The way he hugs me is like no other and he gets all awkward when I bring a guy in the store with me.
What does it mean when a guy continues to call you baby/ baby girl?
Ps. He lights up every times he sees me walking in.