Can you replace the LifeProof front screen?

I have an iPhone 5 and I want a LifeProof just for the water proof part. I hate the front screen protector on it, it doesn't fit actually on the screen like it isn't tight. I want to replace it. Please suggest any good water proof screen protectors and videos on how to install it in the LifeProof case. & It doesn't have to have the sticker front facing iPhone look, like it could just be just clear.

My iphone 4 says connect to itunes and I can't get out of it?

So I unlocked my Iphone 4 for tmobile and I was using it today but then I tried to Backup and Restore it.
After it shows the itunes icon and says to plug it in to my computer. But when I plug it in it doesn't even show that my iphone is plugged into the computer or itunes. I restored and EVERYTHING. I don't know what else to do. I need to get passed the connect to itunes part so I can access my phone.

Why doesn't chatango work on the IPhone?

It was working a few days ago, but when I go to a site (chatango site) It shows the box to chat I but when I press "set name" it doesn't work and I can't click on the smaller box to type something, It's also not working in any of the other iPhones at my house too. I'm wondering what's wrong with it, and i miss chatting with my friends ; - ;

How much do an iphone 4s cost with unlimited texting and 4g?

I want an iphone 4s with unlimited texting and 4g, but i have no idea how much it will cost. My dad says that the unlimited texting and 4g alone will cost like about 75 bucks and i don't think that it cost that much!

Added (1). Please tell me how much is the unlimited texting and 4G! I want an iphone 4s badly! Please ANSWER

How to find out who's stealing my Wi-Fi?

So i have comcast internet and we get monthly 250 gb of data.a month my family uses about 110 gb of data. That includes xbox live for about 3 hours a day, 4 iphones for fb and email. 2 laptops for light surfing. The reason why i know someone is using my network because on the 7th of this month my data usage was up to 34 gb already since. I changed Wi-Fi password, my said is hidden and i'm using wpa2.since then i've told my family to tone it down on the internet usage, i have not even turned on my xbox or hardly used my laptop. I checked my data meter today around 6pm and it was at 36gb, check it again just now its 38gb. How is this posible when the most it was used for was my sister using a text free app no way that can use a whole gb of data. So how can i find out who's stealing my Wi-Fi? Does my router use data just by being connected to the modem?

Added (1). Well usually the data meter is spot on same as when i call comcast and ask them for my data usage as of date. My router does have a great range i mean i can walk up past 2 houses and ill still have one bar still.i've noticed one of those houses close to me have no Wi-Fi either the one next to me or the one across the street. Any programs that can help me find out, i've checked my router to the devices attached to me and those are all mine.

Deleting All history on iphone's safari?

I tried deleting the safari history and everything.including the cache and cookies. But it seems like when i'm about to type a link on the page, some of the information i typed is still there even though i tried deleting it with all the settings i can find. What can i do to delete it?

Is the 4s better than the 5? Apple Users

I know the screen size is bigger and it's going to be faster because it is a new phone but is it really that much better or just a basic iphone upgrade?
Also is the google map app use able?

Added (1). I don't have a phone atm.
I have/had a blackberry but it recently broke and I'm eligible to upgrade in my contract so I was looking at iPhones.

Why are iPhone owners snobs?

Like, I get it that you're carrying around a $700 phone in your hand. But why do they act like all other phones are crappy and buy 600 cases for their iPhone? Damn rich kids.