Dexter the game 2 app won't open?

Just downloaded Dexter the game 2 app on my iphone 4S.
When i tap it the app almost instantly closes and returns to the home screen.
I don't know why, I have tried redownloading but its not working.
I'm running my iPhone on 5.1.1 iOS.
It is jailbroken.
Please any ideas on how to fix this issue?

Huge other bar on my iTunes?

I have a 32GB 3rd generation iPod Touch. It was picking up dust for a long time when I got my first iPhone. Recently, I restored my iPod and have it just for music purposes. I have about 13GB of music on there and one app (Pandora). There's nothing else on there except for all the preloaded apps.

So when I connect it to iTunes, the little bar on the bottom that tells how much space is left and what's taking up how much space, it tells me that there's the 13 gigs of music, the 16MB of Pandora and then about 12GB of "Other".

I understand that a small portion of the "Other" is the iOS and such, but why is so much space taken up?
Anyway I can fix this?

IPhone 4s sound quality for caller?

When I call people I can hear them clearly but my voice sounds very distant or muffled to them, however if I put them on speaker they can her me clearly. Assuming the same mic is used at all times (AFAIK there's only the one mic on the iPhone?) then it's not a hardware problem. So what's the issue, is it something I can correct in the settings?

DIY front camera for my iPhone 3GS?

I have an iPhone 3GS that works great, I'm not planning on getting a new phone.
I only have one problem. I'm tired of not being able to use Tango, Skype and Facetime apps because as you know 3GS does not have a front camera.
After looking at the iSeeYou thing:
I was kind of inspired… I don't want to buy it, but I was thinking…
What do you think I would need to make something like that?

How to sync my iPhone 4 to a new computer without losing all of my photos?

I have an iPhone 4 that was synced to my PC which, unfortunately has now crashed. I now have an iMac and would like to be able to update my music on my phone but I'm afraid to sync it and lose all of my photos/contacts. I don't care so much about the music as I've been in the process of re-downloading all of it anyway but how can I salvage the 4K photos as well as all of the contacts I have? They're not saved anywhere else and I really don't want to lose them.

How does the iphone work on a tmobile no contract plan?

I have an unlocked iphone and looking into using it with tmobile no contract plan with the 2gb data plan with 4g. But somebody told me that it doesn't work well and that the internet does not work at a 4g speed even if i have it at a 4g speed is it worth it?

Why is there a glowing red light in my iPhone 5's front camera?

I never noticed it before but last night I was texting and I saw my front camera glowing red and its freaking me out! My boyfriend has the iPhone 5 too and his doesn't have that and I tried to look it up but there's nothing what do you guys think it could be? It glows pretty bright and blinks sometimes.