If you have an IPhone, can you still text other people who don't have IPhones?
Just wondering. Please no rude or bad comments, thanks!
Just wondering. Please no rude or bad comments, thanks!
I have an iphone 4s and before when I connected it to my laptop it would show up in the my computer folder and also in itunes. Now, it only shows up in itunes, but doesn't want to show up in my computer. It's completely aggravating because I need to transfer things from my phone to my laptop.
The only thing that shows up is this photo stream but that is not what I want. It should have my device connected in my computer folder.
What's next from Obama, free Netflix and iPhones for everyone?
So when i got my iphone 4s i got insurance on it through verizon because i always drop it. So now, 6 months later, i've dropped it several times and the screen has some scratches and other blemishes, so i was just wondering if i could get a new one because of the insurance?
I realize i could just call verizon, but i like asking you guys.
My friend told me that when he went to an apple store, they didn't have any iphone 5 in stock. They told him that he needed to order the iphone and wait for 3-4 weeks.So, I was just wondering if this is true cuz I wanna get the iphone 5 this saturday and I can't wait anymore since I've been waiting for almost 2 months waiting for my contract to end.
But now everyone who is txting me on an iphone it goes to the old iphone and the man who stole it is responding. I never signed up for ICloud or anything. How can I turn off imesaage on my old Iphone 4s, if I don't have it. Or how could I completely turn off that phone. We already called sprint, they had no idea what to do.
I was wondering whether I could put a Sim card into an Iphone 3g? I have a LG Phoenix and it is not working well for me but thats another story. Anyways, I was planning on getting an Iphone 3g off of ebay and I was also wondering that if I get one that says unolcked, then can I use it for my Rogers phone?
So i got a ride home from a guy who i just met and i left my iPhone in his car.
at first he said he was going to mail it back to me but then I never heard from him and he's not answering my text messages anymore.
should i threaten the police?
Is there a jailbreak available for IOS 6.0.1 on iPhone 4s? If so, where?
Well I'm Goinq To Unlock My Iphone And Connect It With T-Mobile And My Brother Told Me That ICant Receive And Send Pictures And IWant To Know If Thats True.
Also What Are Downsides Similar To Those That IHas.
Iphone 4s