How to make my iPhone 3G unfreeze?

I've had to hard reset my iPhone 3G (not 3GS) about 3 times now, and am not planning to do so again.

Scenario: My iPhone (which I don't use as a phone, more as an iPod Touch for the apps) was running low on batteries last night, so I decided to charge it. A while later, I came back and unplugged it as it had reached full batteries. All of a sudden, it froze on the "Slide to Unlock" Screen, with a spinning "loading" icon in the middle. It has been like this for hours, and I have done nothing so far so I could seek more sound advice on what to do next.

Also: I don't plan on going to the Apple Store because of this.

How To Transfer Songs And Videos From Computer To iPhone 3GS?

I got an Apple iPhone 3GS and I was just wondering how I can transfer some songs and videos from my computer to my iPhone 3GS? And if possible, how to transfer songs and videos without iTunes? Thanks out there for help: D
Please note that it's iPhone 3GS not iPhone 3G.

Why won't my IPhone 4 let me delete contacts?

Ok so I just it my iPhone and it loaded all 230 freaking contacts from Facebook on my phone well I don't want them. I know how to delete a contact but when I press the delete button it doesn't let me delete it. It's still there and it's rather frustratin!

How much data does IHeartRadio use?

Just as said in title how much data does the app IHeartRadio use? I never use my data on my iphone so I'm just seeing how much data would be used so if not to much I will use it somewhat more if IHeartRadio doesn't eat up to much data.

Text message monitoring app?

Ill make this brief, my son is 17 has been getting into trouble lately i've had talks with him tried to understand what is going on but can't seem to get a break through my family is currently moving; not mainly because he is getting into trouble but its a partial reason, now what i need is an app that monitors his texts, calls, gps location and things of that nature i understand people will completely disagree with what i want to do but i have ran out of options
things i'm looking for within this app is to be completely invisible to my son, he will not know that i have access to this information once the app is installed it is very difficult or impossible to see that it has been installed on his phone
online access as soon as i install the app on his phone i will have an account online to view everything even if he has deleted texts on his phone
under some type of situation if an update is needed then i will be notified through my online access
i'm willing to pay for this app so whatever you have to offer will be greatly appreciated
my son has an iphone if that is needed

IPhone deleted texts backup?

So I have an iPhone 4, and I accidentally deleted VERY important messages that I'm trying to recover. So far this Is what I've done, I have gone onto iTunes, selected preferences and clicked devices. There it gives me device backups. I do not see my iPhone account on the list of device backups but this is the computer I have used to create my account for this phone. If I had any idea that I would have deletes these messages I would have gotten something to prevent me from stupidly deleting them. Unfortunately It happened so please don't tell me that I can use an app that I would have had to use before hand.

Why do people who don't need welfare have it?

I know someone who has an iPhone, expensive clothes, a huge house, and a lot of money and she is on welfare and she does NOT need it, she is also on food stamps.
And me. My family makes less than 15k a year and is not on welfare or food stamps and my single mother has a job. How the heck does this happen?

Virgin Mobile or Straight Talk? Please give reasons too?

I currently am on Verizon's family plan with barely any minutes and unlimited messaging with no data. I would like to get back onto a No-Contract phone plan with good coverage and i used to have Virgin Mobile and i loved how cheap they were but their service wasn't the best about 2-3 years ago. I don't wanna spend any more then $50/month and would like to have an android/iphone with it. So my question is, which phone company has better price and service for their plans? Virgin Mobile or Straight Talk, or any other company you know of? Also i live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.