Is He Still Interested? How do I get him back?
Its been 2 weeks since we split! We were great friends as well, always talked and we use to work at the same place and saw each other every day but when I transferred out, we saw each other 2-3 times a week.
We have talked since a few times. I sent him a pic of me in my halloween outfit. He complimented. Told me to be careful getting drunk. Called me the name he use to always call me and a Pirate!
Then we fought the next day! I sent him a message and he said, "if you hate me so much, why are you still talking to me?" and some other words… But in the end of the reply, he called me a Pirate and said "ttyl" and to have a nice day cause he was stressed and was working and not happy. I responded and he hasn't emailed me back. I have sent him msgs saying how I miss him and etc and he ignores it.
I went to visit a friend at my old job today and he was there. He first made a joke how I was late for work even tho I don't work there. He stayed in the room quietly listening to mine and my friends convo. He was working today and so he could have left and went to do his work but he stayed in the office listening to us. At one point, he disappeared to the bathroom for 10-15 mins. He wouldn't let me pass him thru the doorway, when I was leaving which was what he use to do when we worked together. He block me from passing until I touched him or pretended to act like I was going to kick him. So I thought maybe he wasn't mad at me anymore. So I texted him to come keep me company for an hour cause I was bored. He read my text (iphone says) but never responded or came by. I miss him and most of all I miss our friendship. Is he still interested in me? How do I win him back?