Any apps like dropbox for Iphone?

I have the 3rd generation Iphone and dropbox requires update iOS 4.3 Does anyone know of similar apps that will work with third generation?

Added (1). @RPBJR- How would I do this?

@killer- Such as?

IPhone 4 won't send pictures after update?

I recently updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 6. Now pictures will not send. My phone says that they are sent, but other people don't get them (they don't get the text I sent with it either). I'm still able to receive pictures. My MMS is on.

Where can I get an unlocked iphone 5 in Japan?

I've just got to Japan and need an iphone 5. I heard that the iphones here are all locked to Japanese networks and can't be unlocked. Is this true? Please give me some information, and if there's anywhere I can get an unlocked iphone 5?

Navigation icon near battery?

Basically an on iPhone 3GS, near my battery icon there's a arrow looking icon lot slanted to the right, am guessing that's the navigation icon, can someone tell me how to switch that off or take it off? Would be most helpful

IPhone 4 iOS 6 unauthorized charging problem?

As many of you may know, hurricane Sandy has left millions with no power. In perpetration for this I purchased myself a USB car charger so I could charge my phone in my car, and a hand crank USB/flashlight charger. When plugging my USB into either of these, neither of them work. Can someone help me on this as to how to get my iPhone to charge?

Help my iphone 4 won't turn on?

I'm nervous. I bought an iphone 4 from a guy who upgraded to the 5 and I plugged it in my laptop and let it charge for like an hour. It is still on a low battery and won't turn on.Am I doing something wrong?

What's a free and safe jailbreak for iOS 6?

I have a iPhone 4 iOS 6 and I want to jailbreak it. I need it free and safe. I have a few questions to ask…

1) I heard that RedSn0w is good, but it costs a lot. Is there any suggestion for a safe and free jailbreaking site?

2) If so, does it come with Cydia?

Thanks if you gave me answers. I might have more questions when I get it.