How to video chat through iphone or pc to a PS3 user?

My sister has a PS3 and a webcam, I have a pc and an Iphone with cameras. We're wondering if there's a way to video chat together without me having to get a ps3 lol.

She had a baby and I would love to video chat as I live a long ways away and can't visit for a while. A solution that doesn't involve installing linux would be great: D

Should I get the S3 or iPhone 5?

I like to have lots of storage and battery life, i also like to play some hardcore games like NOVA 3 and etc. I like to customize my device but i also like simplicity. What should i get?

Added (1). Also i want my phone fast

Can I watch tv on my iPhone?

So I work tomorrow and get out at 9. I want to watch the xfactor but it starts at 8. I don't have cable at home and I can watch fox from my tv with my antenna. Is there any app were I can watch shows on my iPhone?

Jailbreak for iphone 4s ios 6.0?

Do you guys know any safe and guranteed site where i can jailbreak my 4s, please have this done yourself because i want to make sure it will work.

Do all apple devices have the same charging dock?

Where you plug in the other end of the usb cable, the part that goes in the device. Are they all the same plug ex.)Iphone 5 will work with older iphone. Do they change the ports at all when they come out with new generation devices? Would an ipad charger work with all versions of iphones, would it work with 3g?

What to do with old battery?

I took apart an old iPhone 3g, and I accidently punctured the battery. As i looked closer, it said do not puncture. What should I do with it?

Why won't my iPhone 4 connect to my wi-fi?

My phone was connecting and working perfectly. I moved rooms, and it stopped working. I deleted the information it had saved to log in automatically. I've now moved into all different rooms and the iPhone just won't connect. It's not the router. My mom's iPhone 4 is connecting, as is my laptop. I seriously have no idea what's going.
I've also restored my phone, turned it off and on, switched the wi-fi off and on, put the proxy on auto… Nothing is working

How to stop getting notifications from a different account on Instagram?

A friend of mine logged into her Instagram on my iPhone and when I logged back into mine, her notifications were popping up on my phone still. I have tried logging in and out of my account several times, deleting the app, restarting my phone & even rebooting my phone all together. Nothing is working I'm still getting her notifications!