Does a white iPhone make me look gay?

I'm just wondering if I would look gay as a guy with a white iPhone?

I already ordered the white one because it seems to look nicer and cleaner than the black one - fingerprints seem to be less visible.

Would this make me look gay or not?

Why does my iPhone 4 says Not Delivered on some of my texts?

When I go to send a text it will say Not Delivered! But yet the other person usually does receive it so then it sends twice cause I usually hit retry. Does anyone know why it does this? And it doesn't happen all the time, just occasionally.

How to get rid off error 3194?

I have an iphone 4. Now i forgot the passcode and put it in too many times. Now it is disabled. It says iphone is disabled connect to itunes. I tried changing the host files. It didn't work. The computer i synced it with is messed up so it can't sync.each time i try to restore with my other computer i get error 3194.

IPhone/iTunes Music Sync

I want to sync songs off of my iPhone onto my iTunes but every time I try I get scared because a window pops up saying:
"Are you sure you want to sync music? All existing songs and
playlists on the iPhone "myiphone'sname" will be replaced with
songs and playlists from your iTunes library."
If that happened then everything on my iPhone would be erased and I do NOT want that to happen!
HOW can I get my songs onto my iTunes without anything being deleted?

Why does the volume bar on my iphone disappear and appear whenever it wants to?

I have an iPhone 4. If I try and listen to music the volume bar goes away and when I try to adjust the volume with the + and - buttons the volume bar under "ringer" is gone. I've tried restarting my phone, fixing the settings, plugging in my earphones and cleaning where you plug them in and connecting my phone to my laptop but nothing seems to work.