What changed in iMessage since ios6 update? Unable to send pics now from Wi-Fi?

This is crazy! My daughter got the new iPod touch 5th gen. It comes with ios6 on it. She is unable to send pictures or videos via iMessage. She has an ID, she is able to send and receive text in iMessage, so she is logged in. This is all of course over our Wi-Fi, since it is an iPod touch…

I have an iPhone 4, a couple days ago I was able to send pictures to her from my phone via iMessage, she would receive them, no problem, just couldn't send them to to me, or anyone else. THEN, I made the horrible mistake of upgrading my iPhone to ios6… Now I can't send her pics and she can't send me pics! Wait, it gets better!

I called apple care to try and fix her iPod, they had me reset the network settings, didn't help. They had me restore the phone completely and set it up as a new phone, no apps on it, not restored from backup, it still wouldn't send pics or vids via iMessage. They asked me to take it into a store and have them look at it (remember my iPhone 4 is now acting the same way since I upgraded it), and when we got to the store and got on Apple's Wi-Fi, it worked! She could send me pics and I could send her pics!

I asked them if there's some network setting I'm missing on my router (also an apple device) to make ios6 able to send mms in iMessage, they had no ideas. They said, reset the router. I did that, and it didn't help, I also removed the apple router because the comcast modem I have also has wireless capability. I setup a new wireless network using the comcast modem, connected both devices to the new network, went into the interface on the modem and disabled the built in firewall, and I still couldn't send pics or vids via iMessage.

Next, I went and parked outside of a local starbucks and tried their network, both devices worked there as they did at the apple store.

My wife then came home with her iPhone 4 that does not have ios6 yet, she connected to the new network that i just set up and she was able to send pics to the iPod just as I was able to before I upgraded. HOWEVER, she can't send them to my ios6, iPhone… Just to the ios6 iPod. AND, neither my phone or my daughter's iPod can send pics to her, just as she couldn't send them to me but i could to her before my upgrade.

OBVIOUSLY, there's something about my comcast network connection that is not allowing this to work, right? But what? A port?

What could have changed in how ios6 relates to my comcast network that is causing this weirdness? If it is a port, why how can I possibly identify it, and how would i open that port if the comcast interface already shows 'firewall disabled', I can't forward the port to a device (even if I did know which one) because I have many devices that will want that traffic, right? (my phone, wife's phone, and daughter's iPod)!

ARRRGGGHHH, Any ideas?

I have a imei blocked iphone 5 from At&t, how can i use it?

I have a imei blocked iphone 5 from At&t, how can i use it?

Added (1). IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)… So the iphone has its IMEI blocked by at&t… Its new and the sim card was used just to activate the iphone… Then after that the sim card has never been inserted to it or it has been connected to the internet.

Added (2). I bought it from a guy at the park near my house

Will restoring your iPhone take everything off?

I'm gonna get a new phone so I'm giving this one to my brother and I don't want any of my stuff left on here like my iTunes username or email and etc basically I want it back like a new phone

I had an iphone 4s stolen can it be hacked?

It was updated with the iOS 6 software and had a hard 4 letter passcode to hack. All the websites say you can't hack the iphone 4s. My mom called the phone twice and the person responded over text "I can't talk right now… Call you later." Again the password wasn't something simple like 1234 or anything anyone would know about me like my birthday or year I was born. My family was the only one who knew my password as well. How did they get into my phone?

How to delete photos off Iphone 4?

I have 2 more folders that are not the camera roll, and I can't seem to figure out how to remove them from the phone. I have tried going in from my computer but they don't come up as being on the phone. Also I have went in via Itunes and clicked sync then unsync then delete all photos but they are still there on the phone. Besides those two ways does anyone know a way in which they can be removed? Thank you.

Added (1). To the first person that responded that option is not available when I click edit it will only let me move the photos to a new folder or share them. I can't delete the folders or the photos. Any other ideas?

How to go from ios6 to ios5 on my iphone 4?

It is super slow and a pain in my ***

Added (1). I want to go to 5.1.1 to jailbreak particularlly

Added (2). Restoring failed horribly i lost nearly all my apps and since my macbook is down for the count right now i can't get them all back without redownloading, anyone else have a bright idea? I would like to hear from someone that knows what tehy are talking about if you don't just tell me to throw it in the pond


My home button on iPhone 4 is unresponsive. I've tried to blow it and clean it with alcohol. Also tried the assistive touch, but i'm uncomfortable with it. Are there any other ways to fix it?

How to put music on my iPhone 4? - 1

Okay i got my iPhone today and i wanna know how do you put music on there from your iTunes i already have songs in my iTunes from my iPod so how do i put it on there to my iPhone and could you please list it out and i have iTunes 10.0 i think something like that NEED Help NOW! And every time i try it remove my songs