How to access my NBA League Pass Broadband subscription?

I just ordered NBA League Pass and I've got it to work on both my iPhone and TV but whenever I try to access it on my computer it takes me to a blank page. Is NBA League Pass Broadband down for everyone right now or am I doing something wrong? If I'm doing something wrong how do I access it?

My iPhone 3gs won't play the full song

I'll be playing the music that's on my phone, and it doesn't play the whole song, it cuts it off somewhere near the end! Why is it doing this, and how can I get it to play the whole song?

Is the iPhone 4 a good phone? - 2

For my birthday, my parents agreed to get me a new phone. I really want an iphone 4, but my dad is saying that it isn't a very good phone and apparently it doesn't call well or something. He said I could get the iphone 5 if I pay half, but this is a birthday present and I really don't want to pay for anything…

So is the iphone 4 good? (Not the 4s, the 4)

People I don't know appearing in iPhone 4s contacts?

I have an iPhone 4s, and I just looked in my contacts and found a bunch of contacts that I've never added. It shows their names and numbers, and I don't know any of these people. Does someone else have their contacts connected to mine somehow? I don't use iCloud, by the way.

Suddenly can't connect to college dorm Wi-Fi?

I have an Asus laptop running windows 7. My friends laptops and my iPhone and tablet can all connect to the Wi-Fi here but recently my laptop hasn't been able to identify the Internet. Before whenever this would happen I would restart my computer and I could connect. But not not even that works.

Games for DS/GBA/PC/Iphone/Ipod/Ipad?

I'm looking for a new game to play. Hope you can help.

I'm 19 and female.

I like games like;

The Walking Dead (adventure, role playing) and what I like about this is the multiple choices you have and how the choices you make affect your game.
Sprung (dating sim, Role playing) again what I like is the multiple choices.
I also like games like;
Enchant U (iphone) I like this because it has a story and you can choose between Good and Bad actions.
Stardom The A list (iphone) i used to love the game, but now i'm a little bored of it, but again I liked how you have choices in this game.

Basically I like role playing games where you have choices and not just one straight story.

can anyone suggest games similar to the ones listed?

but I don't want is games with too much combat, The Walking Dead has the perfect amount of combat for me, a little bit here and there and not all the time like final fantasy and pokemon (no disrespect)

sorry for being fussy, i hope you can help.

Does apple fix cameras on iphone?

So on saturday I dropped my phone in water and for the past two days I had it in rice and today my phone finally turned on, everything is working perfectly except for the camera. The camera shutter won't even open, should I leave the phone in the rice longer or is it completely broken? And if the camera actually did break from the water, if I bring it to apple will apple fix it?