I'm looking for a new game to play. Hope you can help.
I'm 19 and female.
I like games like;
The Walking Dead (adventure, role playing) and what I like about this is the multiple choices you have and how the choices you make affect your game.
Sprung (dating sim, Role playing) again what I like is the multiple choices.
I also like games like;
Enchant U (iphone) I like this because it has a story and you can choose between Good and Bad actions.
Stardom The A list (iphone) i used to love the game, but now i'm a little bored of it, but again I liked how you have choices in this game.
Basically I like role playing games where you have choices and not just one straight story.
can anyone suggest games similar to the ones listed?
but I don't want is games with too much combat, The Walking Dead has the perfect amount of combat for me, a little bit here and there and not all the time like final fantasy and pokemon (no disrespect)
sorry for being fussy, i hope you can help.