If I order a iPhone case from Verizon, will it fit my AT&T phone?

I've recently ordered the iPhone 5. I have looked on the AT&T website for the case I want, and they didn't have any colors I like, so I checked the Verizon website. The verizon website has the case I want, but I was wondering if it would fit my AT&T iPhone? The case is the Incipio DualPro

My Iphone keeps rebooting in a cycle?

It is a 3GS. I try to turn it on and the aple logo pops up. Then it turns black and shuts off again. Sometimes it goes to the main screen for a few seconds then cycles over again. I've tried everything. I even did a new software update, restored the phone and I can't think of anything else

Iphone app that makes your screen dimmer?

What is an iphone app that will make my screen go dimmer than what my phone settings let me? An app that will let my screen go dim enough so I can text in the movies.

Why are iPhone owners so snobby?

They are always putting #teamiPhone on facebook/twitter posts.
I want the new iPhone 5, but I'm too poor.
If I had it, I wouldn't be shoving it on anyone's face.

How to upload my Photo to a website with a Mobile Device?

Is there a way for me to create a mobile website that allows members to select and upload a photo with their mobile device the same way they would from a desktop computer? (IPhone prohibits flash, do I need flash?) (I know an app will get the job done, but I prefer to mot use an app)

Is it worth switching from the Blackberry to iPhone 5?

My blackberry is horrible… I can't access the app world nor my blackberry account, I keep having to reboot my phone (once or twice per week), and when i do my pictures get lost and I have to dig through the folders on my phone to find em. I can't add nor access my songs/pics on my comp when my blackberry is connected to it…

So I like the iPhone 5.Is it worth buying the iPhone 5? Should I get the 4S instead? Or should I stay with the blackberry?

Can I use LTE with iPhone 5? (AT&T)?

I have the 2gb data plan. The sales rep at AT&T told me my data won't change. I'm just wondering if, with the 2gb I have, I'll be able to access the 4G LTE or do I need to upgrade data.