Dropped IPhone 4 in Toilet:0?

I didn't do my business:0 I bent over and the phone was in my back pocket. I felt it fall out I tried to grab it but missed and it fell in the toilet. I grabbed it, dried it and put it in a ziplock filled with rice. This all happened under 30 seconds.(I freaking ran) How many days should I wait for it to dry? (if it isn't completely dead)

Speaker on iPhone doesn't work?

The speaker on my iPhone doesn't work. Nothing was spilled in it, it just doesn't work. If you plug in headphones it works just fine, though?

How do people get perfect skin on Instagram?

I have really good skin and my makeup looks good but when I take pictures (with the front facing camera, normal camera, and with/ without flash) my skin looks a little fuzzy. Like Kylie Jenner or Mythix have smooth even skin, even in close ups. Do they photoshop them and then put them back on instagram? I also have an iPhone 4S with 8 megapixel camera.

How to watch videos in full screens on itunes?

I been trying to make a movie. So I recorded with my iphone 4s. When I save it to my computer, and open it on itunes to watch it, the screen is small. It is about the size off my iphone. How do I make my video larger or bigger

My iPhone won't scan for Wi-Fi?

Its a iPhone 3G and it occasionally does read my Wi-Fi so there nothing wrong with my router because my iPod 4g reads it all the time perfect so why does my iPhone not read it all the time is there a app to fix this?

Does the iPhone stop charging once it reaches 100%?

I got my iPhone a month ago, and now school is starting. I don't know if charging it all night will mess up the battery slowly, or what. I think it does slowly mess up the battery on other phones if you charge it too much… Because overnight, your phone is basically charging for 4-5 hours longer than necessary. Like it may reach 100% at 2 A. M., then it's just extra charging. BUT I heard once that the iPhone goes into standby mode and stops charging once it reaches 100%. If that was true, then it would be impossible to overcharge it pretty much. Is that true? Can I charge it all night with no problems?

YouTube not loading iphone 4?

Okay here what happened…

I accidentally dropped my iPhone in water (2 secs in water) it was in a case. I immediately shut the phone down, and stuck it in a bowl of rice (with the case off). After about 8 hours I recharged the phone and turned it back on.

Everything is working fine, Internet, music, sound, screen… Everything EXCEPT YouTube videos just say "loading" and does nothing further. Note: this occurs in the YouTube app.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

How to connect my laptop to router?

Please take the time to read the entire story.

I've had WPA2-PSK and wanted to change it to WEP to connect my DS to Wi-Fi since it can only connect to WEP.
I typed in my Default Gateway into the browser and was about to change the wireless security. But I decided that I should change my SSID first to see if the small change would keep everything the same. I changed the first letter of the SSID from lower case to upper case and applied the changes. I then lost connection to the Internet on my laptop where I was doing the changes.
On the network list it did change and it shows up with the upper case letter but it won't connect to the Internet.
Please, what do I do to fix this? I tried unplugging the router and plugging it back in an it still doesn't work.
I have a Belkin router.

I typed in this question through my iPhone 4s using 3G to connect.