Can I use a verizon iphone 4 with at&t pay as you go?

Is there any way to use iphone 4 with at&t pay as you go? I know there are unlocking tutorials etc. That you can use, but I want to be sure before I buy this used verizon iphone 4. Also do I have to be worried about getting a bad ESN if I'm unlocking it anyway? Any info is appreciated.

Where do girls keep their iPhone?

Ok so this sounds weird, but i don't know where to keep my iPhone, because as a girl, i have smaller pockets in my jeans and I don't want to keep my phone in my back pocket in case someone steals it or something. I would carry a purse, but I'm a student and i'll be carrying a backpack, but I won't hear the phone ringing if it's in my backpack… Where do I keep my phone in a safe place so it won't drop and I can hear it?

How to Make iPhone Pictures More Clear?

So I've been into taking pictures on my iPhone lately, and I notice that pictures aren't that clear. Is there any way I could make my iPhone pictures more clear?

Why won't my iphone upload pics to my computer?

When I plug my iphone4 up to my computer, the lil box pops up and asks me if I want to upload videos and pics but when I click on it to do so, it says no pics or videos were found. It just started doing this, I have uploaded pics in the past from my phone with no problem but now its not letting me.

Natwest - Withdrawing from my partners account over the counter?

My girlfriend works to late to get to the bank, on friday she wants to withdraw her whole months money but she can only take out £250 from the hole in the wall.

Is there any way I can go and withdraw it all over the counter if the bank somehow has her approval.

we have a joint account and on her iphone she can transfer the whole wage to her savings account which i have access to, we have the cards but both don't know the pin, could she transfer it to the savings account then i go in the bank with my natwest card and withdraw it with my current account card to access my savings account? If you know what i mean.

Is having the intent to do something bad really that wrong if you change your mind?

^^^^ That's the short q, this is q about my own situation.

Basically what happened was my friend was wanting to go on a wkend trip with her boyfriend but her parents said no for a lot of reasons. She then wanted me to lie and say she was staying w me the whole wkend and for us to switch our sim cards out so that if her parents tried to look up her location by her phone it would look like she was at my house. We were going to forward each other's texts. I felt really uncomfortable about this, and I said so, but I felt compelled to go along with it because my friend has been a really great friend to me for years. Plus she gave me the iphone I have now after mine got ruined, plus she's given me a ton of other really nice and expensive stuff and has never before asked me for anything. We had been talking about this on speakerphone bc I was driving and my 12year old drama queen sister heard everything. The next day my friend called and said she was very sorry about everything and that she was calling the whole thing off. I didn't tell my sister that bc I just didn't think of telling her, it didn't involve her. Unfortunately my sister told my mom the whole plan and my mom then called her dad. My mom has a pretty obvious crush on her dad so I think that's the real reason she called him! My friend's dad was extremely mad at her and didn't believe her when she said she had called it off. We normally text but when she called it off I was driving again so we talked, so we have no proof. She's grounded now. She's mad at me. I don't know what to do. I think her dad is being unfair about it all but I don't know what to do. I was going to call him but I think he probably won't believe me either and will think she put me up to it. Now my Nana is mad at me too and said I was wrong to have ever thought about going along with it and I should have said no right away. The thing is, my friend and I never actually DID anything. We just TALKED about it. Should she be grounded and me be lectured for TALKING and not doing?

How to completely remove app?

I downloaded TapTap revenge 4 to my iPhone. I accidentally messed up and created a new account instead of transferring an old one. So I deleted it and re downloaded it but all my account and data was still there. How can i COMPLETELY remove all data of an app from my iphone?

Can you put a iphone 4 on prepaid?

Okay so i have a iphone 4 that i found about a month ago and i want to put it on prepaid? Could i do that? Iphone 4's don't have a sim card to it so would it still work

Added (1). And my iphone is verizon