I found a hidden camera in my bathroom?

And I'm pretty sure it's my roommate. I'm a bit scared an nervous, I watched the video that was poorly hidden (it was a cellphone) and I can see my roommate actually setting the phone where it was put and left the bathroom while it was still recording. It was nearly an hr long when I found it, what should I do? I recorded the video on my iPhone clearly you can see him in it

How to unlock an iphone 4s in lebanon?

Guys i need your help… I got an iphone 4s as a gift from australia but it is locked to an australian network… Is it possible to unlock it here in lebanon in an apple store? Did any one of you bought an iphone from outside of lebanon and unlocked here?

Added (1). @The B Word: outside of lebanon things are a little different… People buy phones with contracts which means that the phones will be locked to the network operator… In lebanon we have two network operators (alfa and mtc) but they don't have any contracts so you buy the phone separately

My iPhone home button doesn't work

My old iPhone 3G home button doesn't work and the lock button either! I can't jailbreak it because they both don't work a lot of the times, what app can I use to fix this like activator?

Is it possible to unlock an iphone 4s?

I got an iphone 4s as a gift from an australian friend and it is locked from an australian network. I live in lebanon and there's an apple store here… Is there a possibility that they can unlock the phone so i can use it here?

Why won't Youtube let me set up my channel?

For some reason YT doesn't let me log in thru my iPhone 4s anymore. It keeps coming up Authentication Failed Your user name or Password is incorrect. I went onto my laptop and i was able to log in but i can't view my channel… I still have all my videos but i'm getting mad because i can no longer upload any videos on my phone directly to YT, and every time i go to set up my user name and channel it just refreshes me to the Youtube home page. I can't reply or comment on any videos and i don't know this is happening considering the fact i have had this account for over a year… I had a channel set up with a picture and suddenly it is not here. I called Apple and there are no help and there's no contact number for Google or Youtube. I even watched a video and i even did the 2 step verification and its still not working. I would like to have my account back and be able to upload videos again so if anyone knows how to resolve this problem they would be a very big help to me, thanks again-Mike C

Added (1). Do you have the official announcement of them calling it off with youtube, and why can't i log in thru my computer… The youtube homepage always refreshes and i have had this account for a while and i can't get in

IPhone acting really weird since vacation?

Ok, this is a long story.kind of.
before i went to vacation, my iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1.1 (thats what it said when i bought it from ebay) was acting fine, and fast. Just normal.
after that i got to the place i went on vacation to. The sim card for that place did not work. We had to take it to a repair shop. After that, they had to flash my phone, they had to restore it. They replaced the whole motherboard. Then the sim card worked fine. After that, i got something way better than an iPhone, so i used that a lot. Then my phone just… You know.died, and didn't turn on… Unless i put it on charge and waited until it was 100% then whenever id try to make a call, it crashed! And it wouldnt turn back on until i put it on charge.whenever i played a game it crashed! Not all the time. But it did.

i came back home and it would do the same thing.one night i put it on charge when it crashed and it said to connect to iTunes. I'm trying to restore it now. If it works. I got lucky. But if it doesn't.

Had a dream I was running away from authorities?

In my dream, I was sitting near a window with friends and I had two boxes of something that had to do with Satan in some way or another but I can't recall the actual box. Looking behind us, there was a person with a white mask on. An authority person came to us and supposedly we were to be arrested. I ran for it. Somewhere in the building, I found a wardrobe with my iphone/ cell phone in it, called my mom and asked what I should do and she told me to run away from these authorities. I ran to a window and saw a bunch of people, cops, and cop cars around the front part of the building, waiting for me. Then, somehow, I was running with two other people from the backway of the building into the woods where we were being chased by authorities. One person infront of me yelled to the third person (running) - "You're too big [they will see us]!" and this one person made a short stop and had dust rising from her sneakers up. Then we were in hiding- in a cabin in the woods where somebody took care of us. One inmate was crying when she saw a person walking around the site, thinking we'd be found. There was food and drinks to keep us… Can somebody please tell me what this dream/ symbols may mean? Did anyone have a similar dream?

Where is the best place to buy a cheap iphone 4?

I currently have an Evo 3d and HATE it. I got it for an upgrade back in march. I have been searching on eBay for a lower priced iPhone 4 but not all the prices are cutting it for me… All i wanna know is. Is there a website where they sell iPhone 4's for a lower price off contract and with a clean ESN?