Ok, this is a long story.kind of.
before i went to vacation, my iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1.1 (thats what it said when i bought it from ebay) was acting fine, and fast. Just normal.
after that i got to the place i went on vacation to. The sim card for that place did not work. We had to take it to a repair shop. After that, they had to flash my phone, they had to restore it. They replaced the whole motherboard. Then the sim card worked fine. After that, i got something way better than an iPhone, so i used that a lot. Then my phone just… You know.died, and didn't turn on… Unless i put it on charge and waited until it was 100% then whenever id try to make a call, it crashed! And it wouldnt turn back on until i put it on charge.whenever i played a game it crashed! Not all the time. But it did.
i came back home and it would do the same thing.one night i put it on charge when it crashed and it said to connect to iTunes. I'm trying to restore it now. If it works. I got lucky. But if it doesn't.