Why does my iPhone 4s says 3G?

So I bought my iPhone 4s in December 24th, an it says 3G and I just recently purchased a iPhone 4s for my uncle two weeks ago and his says 4G? We both have AT&T

How to make Siri (on iPhone) say things Siri normally wouldn t say?

In some Smosh videos, they make Siri say things like "Subscribe to this channel", "You can go make your milk and egg yourself, ***! I have no f**king arms!" and stuff like that, how do I make Siri say things that she normally wouldn't say? Like "Hi. My name is Siri. Please subscribe to MusicMakerDimmi, or I will kill you": P

Please ANSWER!

My headphone won't work on the iPhone?

I got new headphone when I try them with the iPhone that don't work but when I put theam in other phone they work

The headphone work when they are not fully in

Can't detect Wi-Fi networks on iphone 4s? - 1

I can't't detect any Wi-Fi networks on my iphone 4s IOS 5.1.1
i tried switching my phone off and then switching is on again = no luck
i tried resetting my network setting 3 times = no luck
i tried clicking on Wi-Fi > Other and then entering the network name = no luck
i can access the internet from my laptop and ipod touch and my friend with the same phone can access my Wi-Fi but i can't access any Wi-Fi at all!
i have no idea what to do i've been googling this for the past 3 days please help me.i'm supposed to go get my phone checked in like 6 hours and i really want a solution before then because i'd really hate having to get a new phone: s

Restore new iPhone with only some backup?

My old Iphone 4 which was 32GB was stolen and so I bought a new iPhone 4 but its only 4GB. When I try to restore it with my old iphone's backup it says its incompatible and I'm assuming this is because there's too much memory needed for the smaller space. Is there a way I can only put my contacts on to save memory?

How to download music onto my iPhone?

Ok so I want to download music on to my iPhone but I just don't know what to use it what to do? Like is there any apps where you download music and it goes straight to your music/playlist! Or are there any websites? I have tried tubidy to download music but it dose not download it it just opens it up and plays the song? Also is there anything I can download onto my laptop to get songs and then transfer it to y iphone 4s? If so a link would be much easier to find!

What happens if I un-jailbreak my iPhone 4s?

I want to unjailbreak my iphone, but will it be any effects? At all? So if i delete jailbreak it would be regular as any old iphone? Will I be able to have Apple's warranty again?

How to delete photo library from iphone?

I tried syncing an empty folder but my itunes won't move on to step 2. I tried using SCP, I can't find the file, the only file i can find is camera roll. Help please? Give me the directory if possible and step by step guide.