Why does my iPhone 4s have poor video quality?

Whenever I take a video and upload it from my phone to my computer, the video is distorted; it skips every once and a while and it is sort of pixel-y. It never used to do this and it looks fine on my phone, but not the computer. Any ideas on what is wrong?

Added (1). I'm uploading it to iPhoto

Why is my iPhone being weird with internet?

If I use safari it will load but very slow. It's fast up to the last bit of the loading bar just before the X but then it takes ages at that point to carry on. Some images have a blue question mark instead of the image but some don't some show as normal.

My father and sister both have the same phone (iPhone 3GS) and whilst we were all on 3G or E there phones seemed to be significantly faster on apps, maps everything.

I have tried system reset, network reset, taking out and putting back in the Sim, cold reset, switching it off and on again, clearing cookies and data for safari, made sure no apps are pending downloads.

Please help I'm quite technology savy and even I don't know what to do.

Is 500mb of data enough for the iPhone 4s?

I'm looking at plans that I recently bought for my iPhone 4s and a plan that I like includes 500 mb of data. I know that data is for browsing on the internet, but how much is 500mb of data? Is it more than enough or too less? I'll most likely just be on YouTube, Facebook, email, and Google on my phone. Will it be enough?

Just got an iphone and I'm trying to download an app?

So just got a brand new iphone (love it!) but I'm trying to download a ringtone maker and it says that I'm not authorized on this computer to do that? It says I need to authorize it, and I have no idea how to.

Added (1). Here's the thing, I can't find anything that says Authorize Computer anywhere.

Added (2). Ahh I'm such an idiot, it's right there.

How to get FaceTime on my computer?

Alright, I have FaceTime on my iPhone. Is there any possible way I can get it on my computer? Could I maybe download something or plug in my phone somehow? I just think its a lot easier to video chat on a computer instead. The person I want to do this with only have FaceTime & not Skype.So. I'm trying to figure this out.

Can I put a contract sim into an iphone?

I currently have a 24 month samsung chat contract phone with tesco, I know someone who is selling a 1 month old iPhone and I was thinking of buying it. But what I want to know is would I be able to put the sim from my phone into the iPhone and still receive my contract, unfortunately I don't know what network the IPhone is on but I would guess it is orange or O2

Is it worth buying the iPhone 4s?

I'm planning on buying the iPhone 4s on contract for £29 a month.
The phone I have right now is a tiny little LG, and most of the buttons are broken, which is why I was thinking of investing.

The thing is, I will have to take the iPhone to school. We carry our bags around with us all day, so there's no risk of anyone stealing it, just me losing it.

But once a week I have PE, in which I have to leave my bag in unlocked changing room. Is it worth me buying it to have it with me 6 days a week, and leaving it at home on the day when I have PE, or handing it into reception until PE is over?
So. Is it worth me getting it?

Sorry or such a long winded question, I'm just stuck inbetween getting it and not getting it.

Should I get an android or iphone smartphone?

I'm considering whether or not to get a smartphone. I've never had one before and now that I can afford it, I'd like to own one.

Which one do you think I should go with an android phone or an iphone?