How to remove pictures from my iphone 4s without losing them?

My iphone 4s was synced with my laptop which was stolen, my wife has a laptop and i would like to remove the pictures from my iphone & put them on her laptop with her pics without losing my iphone pics or the pics she has on her laptop. How do i do this or did apple only focus on the hard things and bypass the simple stuff.these pics are NOT the camera roll pics.

Added (1). I have about 6000 pics so was looking for something simpler than email. As for the icloud thing how do i retreive them from icloud to pc. I'm not very familar with icloud.

Added (2). I have about 6000 pics so was looking for something simpler than email. As for the icloud thing how do i retreive them from icloud to pc. I'm not very familar with icloud.

Could I get arrested for using installous on the iPhone 3?

Okay I first heard about installous by my friend momo and she said her cousin has it and it's really cool so I just got back from her house and I wanted to download some music but I really couldn't buy it from the iPhone store so I googled a tutorial on how to get it and so when I was about to get it it said we recommend you don't get this and stuff so I exited out and didn't download it and is it legal to get apps free that you were supposed to pay for and music? I feel scared cause I really don't want the cops knocking on my door getting me in trouble with my parents. If I do use insallous will they fine me or arrest me. I really don't know.

Can I undo a backup on an iPhone?

I just bought an iPhone 4S, but I had an iPod prior to that. When I connected the iPhone to iTunes on my computer, I clicked "restore from backup" without even thinking about it. I had gotten the guy at the store to transfer all my contacts, and they all got deleted when I restored. I really hadn't meant to do that. Is there a way I can undo it, and get my contacts back?

IPhone app for setting music as alarm?

I found a music video on this site 'celebbuzz' (or something like that, I forget exactly what it is right now) and would like to wake up to it in the morning. Are there any iPhone apps that will allow me to record it and set it as an alarm? Preferably free because I'd rather not spend money on this, but if there are any that cost something please tell me those ones too.

Light brown discharge 2-3 days before period? Normal?

My last period was on July 30 - August 3 and my cycle is usually about 25-28 days. My menstrual calendar app on my iPhone indicates that my next expected period will be on Sunday (August 26).

Also, i had unprotected sex (no contraceptives but he did pull out each time), on the 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, and 22 of this month. However on the 19, 21, and 22 he finished inside me (which was 7-9dpo). Just today i noticed light brown spotting in my panty liner. When i wiped, there was nothing. I never had brown discharge before a period since i got my period for the first time in 6th grade.

Could this be a sign that i'm getting my period soon? Or is it implantation bleeding? I can't see a doctor, at least not any time soon. I have an hpt still in the box, when could i test? My breast were tender this morning and has been sensitive to touch for the past 3-4 days. Also i've been having back pains, but that could be because of my exercises i recently started doing.

I found an iphone 4 on the floor?

So i was in disney world waiting on line to ride a rollercoaster and stumbled across a iphone on the floor. I just put in in my schoolbag until after the ride. I totally forgot about it till we arrived at the airport when we were leaving 3 days later. So is it a crime if i don't contact them and give it back?

Way to change iPhone 3GS theme?

My friend posted a picture on Facebook of his iPhone text screen and the background was red with black text boxes and all the letter were the spiderman style. Obviously it like a spiderman theme. I just wondered if it's an app or something because I would like to do it to mine.

If I buy an iPhone on Sprint can I transfer it to Virgin Mobile?

I want to get an iPhone on Virgin Mobile's plan, but I don't want to spend $650 to get the phone unlocked. If I get an iPhone on Sprint or if I buy a used iPhone, can I move it onto Virgin Mobile?
I currently have a phone number that I need to keep, and I'm currently using Republic Wireless as my service provider.

How much is the Iphone on Sprint?

What's the cheapest plan that sprint offers for the iphone?
does it come with unlimited data and messaging?
how many minutes?

is it cheaper than getting it on Verizon or AT&T?