When I go to watch naruto shippuuden on my iPhone it says exactly this
Warning: get_headers(http://rd3.videos.sapo.pt/h39CA4VPcyGniVaPvujl/mov/1?player=INTERNO&time=1345848931&token=_a29064a0440f5ab10130cf60887315c8) [function.get-headers]: failed to open stream: Connection refused in /home/animeshi/public_html/saposcript.ph… On line 136
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/animeshi/public_html/saposcript.ph… On line 140
Warning: Can't modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/animeshi/public_html/saposcript.ph… In /home/animeshi/public_html/saposcript.ph… On line 172
I don't know what that mean but it pops that up everyone I try to watch a video not just naruto but all of them. It was working fine last night and now I'm getting frustrates because it says it works fine for everyone else but me. And I don't know any other websites to watch Anime on my iPhone like Anime shippuuden. Could you please help me or at least tell me whatthe message means?