Can you sue eBay for telling me to ship a item that it was not paid for?

I'm new to ebay and the rep advised me to ship the item and once the delivery was confirmed, the funds would be released. The buyer requested refund after the shipment was made. Item is (iPhone 4s 16g) brand new. $450.00
Now eBay is telling me there sorry I was given that information.

Why do I get mad so fast? What's wrong with me?

I'm always sad all the time, or I'm mad all the time. I feel like my anger takes over me. I'm a pretty good person when it comes to morals, and etc. But when I get angry I get ANGRY. It's been a couple weeks since my sister took my ipod ( even though she has an iphone ) and I wanted to go for a morning run because it helps keep my mood up for the day. I realized she took my ipod. She said she was going to borrow it but she never gave it back. She tends to take my things for a lot of reasons. I always tell her nicely to not do stuff like this but she does it all the time. Anyways on with my story I have an extra ipod but it wasn't working something was wrong with it I was suppose to go jogging with my other sister but I kept telling her: "no lets not go yet until I ge tmy music on here" So an hour passed by, and it still ddidn't work. I was so mad I hit my laptop and threw my ipod, out of frustration. Then I told my sister let's go. My sister said no it's too late to go now, cause it gets too hot. I was so mad I went to go brush my teeth as I was brushing my teeth I socked the mirror, and the whole thing was broken, and shattered all over the sink. I didn't care for the moment because I was so mad… I feel like the littlest things tick me off so much… I know I shouldn't have acted in such a way but I couldn't help it I tend to break a lot of things when I'm frustrated… My family call me psychopath, and I'm starting to believe them that I'm one. But I don't know why I act like this before when i was younger i used to always cry the more I got older the more it made me want to just break or hit something. I feel like one day if I get too mad I might beat the *** out of someone…

USB port in Mini cooper 09 plate?

Hi, I have just bought a 09 mini with the USB and aux option. I have tried the USB with 2 different cables with my iPhone and iPod and it keeps reading empty. Anyone know or have any suggestions on how I can get it working?

How to make my laptop go wireless?

I recently purchased a net gear router and have been having problems installing it. The Internet works fine on my iPad and iPhone but when I start up my laptop and attempt to connect wirelessly it will connect but says I have no internet access. The only way I can get my laptop to go online is to connect to router via Ethernet cable. I also received messages that said setting on router do not match laptop when trying to go wireless. I've looked all through the set up site of the router and can still not figure it out. How can I get my laptop online without having to connect to router wIthout using Ethernet cable?

Getting data off of my broken iphone? - 1

So my iphone screen cracked. I can't see anything on it anymore. Though I can still use the phone because I can use the voice system to call people or play music. But other than that, I can't do anything with it.

But I have some important stuff written on my notepad on my iphone. How can I somehow access my iphone notepad without replacing the broken screen?

Is there a way to connect my iphone to itunes and maybe trough itunes read my notepad app?

Verizon s iPhone 4S warranty?

So I ordered a black iPhone 4S from Verizon's online store after New Years
Now this summer it's screen cracked,
I herd of a one year warrenty?
So can I just take it the the nearest stir and return it for a new one?

What is a good iphone AND android app for FREE CALLS?

I'd like an app that is both available on the App Store and on Google Play/Android Market that can give free calls to each other.

Added (1). I've tried Skype, and Textfree. It's nice I can call to a cellphone, but, the fact that I have to buy minutes isn't worth it. I still use it for general texting, though.

Why is the iphone so much better than other smart phones?

I'm not trying to start a fight here. It just seems like Apple has access to alien technology or something. I've been trying to help my dad with his Samsung stratosphere and the difference is staggering.

Added (1). Another thing worth noting is that any of my friends who have non iphone smart phones also carry their ipod touches around with them. That says something.