Iphone 3G stuck on apple screen after Reset settings

I just got my iphone and resetted it in settings, my top right hold button doesent work but my home button does. My ihone is still stuck on the apple screen like when you turn it on forever, It has been 3 hours already omg.

Getting married at the Justice of the Peace?

Has anyone done it? What is the experience like? I know there will be other couples there on the same day to be married. Do they rush the couples through to get everyone married that day? I saw a friends wedding that was taped using an iphone. It seemed nice… What about the vows? Is it the traditional "I John take you Mary to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold… Etc" or because it's the Justice of the Peace, do they have some amended, quick vows they use? Any information is truly appreciated.

Jailbroken iphone 3g always crashes into safe mode

My phone is really old and somewhat broken (can't connect to Wi-Fi.) I haven't downloaded many cida apps but my phone will randomly go into safe mode when I'm texting or playing a game. Is there a way I could stop this from happening? It's really annoying. I'm thinking about just un-jailbreaking the phone.

IPhone 5s Real Pictures and What it looks like?

My mom said if i got good grades, kept up with my chores, and acted "nicer" she would get me the iPhone 5s cos at the moment i have a blackberry 360 its better than nothing d: so does anyone have any REAL images of the the newest of the new iPhone 5s? Oh and i get my report card in October so thats when i get it and i'm trying super hard in school so any REAL pics and facts about the phone?

How to Fix my iphone if it says Activation Required?

My Iphone randomly wouldn't Turn on and after i plugged it into a wall outlet charger it goes on.
And when it goes on the home screen says "Activation Required" and when i slide it through
it ask me to activate or deactivate the locations app and then it tells me to connect to iTunes
Once i try to unplug it from the wall to put it in my computer my iPhone shuts down

It won't turn on when its plugged into a USB outlet in my computer
it only will turn on into a wall outlet
It says activation required
happened randomly [I did drop my phone before though]

How do i get it to at least turn on without a charger or when its connected to a computer
There's no water damage and i usually charge it when it gets like under 40 percent left i rarely let it die.
So what is wrong with this phone any suggestions or answers please help

{it's an iphone4 btw}

How to fix message send error on iPhone? - 1

I have an iPhone 3 16gb. When I try to text some one, it comes up with a red exclamation mark beside the message and says message send error. I can't text any of my friends except for one for some reason. I have unlimited text by the way.

What will happen if I sync my iphone to new computer?

I just plugged in my iphone into a new computer and I want to sync my music from my new computer to my iphone. All the music that I had on my old computer is now all transferred to the new computer. When I try to "sync" the music from my itunes library from the new computer onto my iphone a message pops up saying that my iphone can only be synced with one itunes library (meaning the one from my old computer) and if i sync it with the itunes library from my new computer it'll erase my content on the iphone and replace it with the content from the new computer. I'm aware of all this, and I DO have all the stuff I wanted from my old computer already transferred to my new computer, but my question is, if I do allow it to replace the old content with the new content (from the new computer), what exactly happens? I heard that songs can be "overwritten" but what does this exactly mean? If I have the songs replaced does that mean they are "overwritten"? And if so, will my replaced songs or "overwritten" material be able to still play on my iphone AS WELL AS my itunes library? Please explain so I can understand, thank you.

Added (1). @Jack - ok… But that didn't exactly answer my questions about "overwritten", etc…

IPhone 3G won't restore

Ok so today I was playing music in my office through my iPhone in a boom box. I turned the volume down to make a phone call and didn't notice the music had stopped. A few minutes later a co-worker put his iPod on. After I got off my call I went to switch mine back on. I turned on the screen and saw the apple logo thinking "oh great it crashed again" and that I just had to wait, but then the "connect to itunes" screen came on. I connected my iPhone and tried to do a restore but it failed. I tried again, same thing.
I then began googling how to fix this issue. I tried sn0wbreeze, tinyumbrella (wouldn't even load), iFaith (said my device was unsupported), put it in the freezer for 30 mins (in case it was over heated), added a host and set it to DFU mode (black screen mode?). I attempted many restores following many different types of directions. I keep receiving different error codes and nothing is making it load. I'm really worried my phone just killed its self but I continue to only get the "apple" and the "connect to itunes" screens. I need this fixed As soon as possible! Please I need serious answers and help. Thank you so much!

Added (1). I'm honestly not sure if it's tethered or not because I wasn't the one who jail broke it. But I BELIEVE it is tethered.