Ipod touch and iphone not connecting to computer and itunes?

First the problems was my ipod touch, it did not connect to itunes, my computer or would not charge. I tried everything, uninstalling apple software, restarting apple mobile device manager. I tried to find the apple mobile device usb, and it was just not there. My iphone has been connecting fine in terms of connecting and charging, so when i connected it i found the apple mobile device usb and followed the instructions on this page http://support.apple.com/...38#error52 so i went to delete the apple mobile device usb, then when i went to scan for hardwear changes it didn't install back, so now also my iphone can't connect to itunes, but unlike the ipod touch it does connect to the computer and charges.

Please some one help me! I have been trying to fix it for ages, and and am at my wits end.

How to transfer photos from my iphone to my macbook?

So i have photos on my iphone that i put on from my friends laptop, so i synced them on her laptop when i was with her in spain.(she lives there) and now i want to put them on my macbook. But i can't sem to do it, so i was wondering if someone could please help? Its all my photos from the summer holidays and i really need them on my laptop. I probably won't see her again either so i can't like un-sync with her laptop. Please please please help! Thanku xx

Why is my period so light? Is there such thing as a pre period?

So today I got my period, well technically last night. I was up until 4 am and went to the bathroom right before I went to bed and there was blood. So I guessed that it started but it wasn't supposed to until tomorrow, according to my iphone app lol. But it is very light. Blood only comes when I go to the bathroom too. And its like a brownish red. Its weird because my last couple ones were heavy when I usually have pretty light periods. Can it get heavier over the next few days? I'm going to an amusement park tomorrow so i'm kind of worried.

How to view the details of a text sent to me on my Iphone 4s?

When I turned my old phone on and received a text that was sent to me while the phone was off I could easily view the time that the text was stored, in addition to the time my phone actually got the text when it was turned on. Is there a way to do this on the Iphone? If not is there an app that can show me the text's details?

Added (1). In short; I want to know how to see the time the text was sent, and stored, while my phone was off, not the time my phone received the text one it was turned on.

Have I lost out on this prize?

I'm on O2 and have an iPhone but a message popped up not like a text but like the sort of message that comes up with Wi-Fi or AppStore password saying that apple said I have won a prize in Oxford I pressed ok as that was all I could do but it didn't do anything so I pressed the home button thinking it would still do it but it stopped and I can't get it back have I lost out

European IPhone 4s Tmobile MMS not working?

Ok here is the deal It's a bit complicated. My dad bought me an Iphone 4s and its from Italy, it doesn't need any jailbreak because it is already an unlocked phone. I have tmobile and out the sim card. Everything works beside the MMS. I want that to work and I don't know how. Can someone help? Please and Thanks.

How to transfer songs from iPhone-to-iPhone?

I recently got a new iPhone and I'm wanting to know how to switch all of my songs from my current iPhone to my new one (iPhone 4S). My brother and I both use the same iTunes. But I mostly use iTunes on my phone to get music so 98% of the songs on the computer iTunes are his. I don't want all of my songs scattered about within his songs. What do I do?

IPhone 5G jailbreak? (iOS 7) v.7.2.1?

I recently updated my iPhone 5G (5th Generation, iOS 7) v.7.2.1 I jailbroke 7.2.0 but there was a update and I need a jailbreak remember this is iPhone 5G not 4 or 3 or 2 or 1! I got the 5G about 8 months earlier because I work at apple like the actual company not a store. So wondering if there's a jailbreak

Why s my charger not working properly?

Here I've been using this charger for over 6 months I'd say and it suddenly started to charge then stop then charge, it's a Belkin charger for the iPhone 4.Is there any point in me fixing it if it can be fixed or should I get the Apple official charger?