Apple Iphone 4s 16gb At&T Without Contract Phone?

I'm 16 years old and my Current phone just Broke which Was a little Payphone and My sister got a Unlocked Iphone 4s and made that into a payphone, I want to do the same but I was wondering can I do that with a No contract phone? Or do I just Flat out need a Unlocked one?

Forgotten my iphone passcode?

I changed my iphone passcode but now I can't remember it. I've done this before so I knew to go on itunes and back up and restore my iphone, but this time it won't work. After clicking on restore it begins to restore it, but a message comes up on my screen saying that it can't back up my iphone, as my iphone is locked with a passcode and that I should type in my passcode. But I don't know my passcode! This is so frustrating, does anyone know how I can get past this?

How to read someone's messages on a iphone if it has a lock?

I just found out my stupid b***h of a cousin has been going through my phone reading all my she's been very sly about taking the p**s too. I talk to this girl a lot on my phone and i found out my cousin has been going through my phone after she slyly used her name to call me and then she goes 'oh sorry did i call you *** i meant *** ' she said that while grinning at me. I want to get her back by going through her messages and find out some dirt about her.either that or i want to get some form of revenge on her. I know it sounds very immature but i'm just so pissed off right now!

I just chipped my iPhone 4S?

I dropped it and 2 corners chipped. I told my mom, but she said she is tired of me doing "stupid things for attention." This is the first time I have chipped my phone. I did not intentionally drop it because believe me, I can't afford to pay the price that Apple will have me pay if I take it to the store. I wouldn't purposely drop it. I have no way of getting to the store, either, because my mom is upset with me. I was just wondering what there's to do? Should I maybe email apple or something? I don't want my phone to get worse than it already is so answers will be appriciated thank you

I want song on my computer but not my iphone?

I'm all out of memory on my Iphone so i'm trying to get some songs off of it but not completely delete it off my computer also. I have the sync only checked songs and videos box clicked but its not doing anything

How to use free Wi-Fi as carrier instead of sprint on an iPhone?

Going to Bahamas and sprint charges to make calls and text. However, if I turn off sprint services, I can use Wi-Fi for free.
Can someone help me to do this? On an iPhone…

Added (1). So if I get an app, it automatically changes my phone over from sprint services to the free Wi-Fi? I did get an app, and they also charge, a very small amount, but there's a charge.

My iPhone has been acting weird

For the past few weeks, whenever I hit the middle button to escape an app I'm in, it often doesn't work, and I have to hit it a few times before I can get out of the app. I tried deleting some apps, to see if it would help, but even with a lot less apps on my phone, it didn't help anything. Does anyone know why this is happening and/or how I can get it working better again?