Can't log onto business facebook page from IPhone?

I can't get my IPhone to log onto my small business facebook page. Logs onto personal facebook just fine, but when I try to log onto the business page it just sits there saying "Logging In".It never does log in or give me any error message. Any ideas why this could be? Tried reaching out to facebook and they never responded (of course).

Wrong text prank, guy with gauges?

Hi! I can't seem to find a text prank online. I've seen it before, and it seems pretty common. I think it's an iPhone text, and the original texting is in his young teens, with not too good of grammar. At the end, the "troll" guy sends a picture of himself, derping with plugs/gauges. Any help would be appreciative!

My iPhone 4S is locked/disabled and my code is correct

Okay, so my iPhone locked me out. I was putting in my code that I've had since I got it, and it just know stopped working! No one was using my phone. I just locked it, and then I went to unlock it again and my code was denied! Now I've been locked out and I have to wait another 25 minutes before I try again, which I won't because it might lock me out forever or something!

Do I have to do a restore or something? If so, how? Tech support is closed at the moment, so help would greatly appreciated.

Why did Pink Floyd Deny Drug use?

Syd barrett took LOADS of acid and smoked much pot FACT… But after he left i'm sure Waters, Gilmour, Mason and wright(rip) all enjoyed reefer! I mean it was late 60s early - late 70s and All had libg hair abd some $ . Its pretty obvious to me they all smoked pot while writing their songs… I don't know about playing them… Watch gilmours eyes in the pompeii video during the interviews! Red as hell ANYWAYS WHY did they deny it every time? SOMETIMES when i'm home alone i slide my iphone up and down my but crack like a mastercard.

Can Sprint tell if your iphone 4 was jailbroken?

So I jailbroke my iphone 4 and something went wrong the camera roll wasn't saving pictures so I deleted Cydia and restored my phone but the camera roll isn't saving pics. I restored it like 3 or 2 times. I'm wondering can they find out and also is there a way to fix it at home probably?

Can you transfer music from your iPhone onto iTunes?

I just got a new computer and I want to transfer my music library onto it. None of my songs were bought from iTunes, most of them are via Youtube mp3.Is there any way I can put the music from my phone onto this new computer? I'm afraid to sync it to iTunes because I don't want all of my music to be deleted.

Watch seikon no qwaser iPad?

Do you know any websites were I can watch seikon no qwaser (also known as the qwaser of stigmata) on an iPad or iPhone for free without downloads?

Why are people getting my texts incredibly late? - 1

Recently people have been getting my texts like 5 or 6 hours after I send them. Sometimes it's a duplicate of a text that they already received from me and they get it again hours later. It's obnoxious because they'll get a random text from me from hours ago hours later. I have an iPhone 4 with Verizon 3G, I usually have poor service but should this really be happening even under poor service? Recently I've been getting a lot of message send failures too