How long does an iPhone 3GS last?

I just bought a used iPhone 3GS on eBay but it was never touched to much. Used for atleast 4-5days.

I was wondering how long does the iPhone 3GS last? Also including the location services off, Wi-Fi off, having 3G on(well i didn't order 3G internet), and turned off all the apps.

BQ: How long does it take to charge a 1-10% battery till full.

What happens when you find an iPhone 4?

My dad found an iPhone 4 at his job and took out the sim card. The iPhone is not password proteted so i clicked on the "set to factory settings" option to wipe it out but… I did this like 3 days ago and it still has a loading circle in the center of the screen, i don't think it takes this long to wipe out a iPhone. Is it possible the iPhone was reported stolen and deactivated?

Can i switch from a blackberry to an iphone?

I have a blackberry bold 9700 and I'm with Telus mobility, I have the data plan which gives me everything. I'm on a 3 year term though, but i just want to switch to an iphone but keep my plan. Can I do it?

Why can't i add songs to my iphone?

I got a new laptop over the week for college reasons, anyways i downloaded itunes hoping to add new music also. When i copied a cd to my itunes i tried dragging the songs from the library to my phone but it just wouldnt let me. Any ideas?

Camera nerds, i need you! What's a good camera for slow motion video?

I'm a skateboarder and i like to video myself pulling off awesome tricks but i'm currently using an iphone, i also want to get into photography aswell so i'm looking for a good slow motion camera with decent quality and to be able to change lenses for different things, i'm willing to spend up to £400-450

specific cameras, not makes if possible.

Why won't music download to my Iphone?

So I synced my Iphone to itunes to add a few songs and when it finishing syncing, I tried to play it on my Iphone and it wouldn't. Like they appear on the phone but it won't let me click on them and instead of being written in black they're in grey. How can I fix this?

How much is Internet for a Verizon iPhone a month?

We have Verizon and my boyfriend bought me an iPhone but my parents can't afford to pay for the internet each month if it's the $35 a month we think it is. I tried to look it up but I couldn't find the answer. My brother has an iPhone as well, do you have to pay an extra 35 for each iPhone?

How much is an iphone per month?

I just recently got a job and i'm saving up for an iphone. I would like unlimited texting, a little data, and like 150 minutes. I would like to now the cheapest and most effective phone service.