What is ifanland? How do i use their theme?

I found this lil wonderful website called ifanland with tons of cute iphone theme. The problem is, i have no idea how to download or how to even install it onto my iphone. I tried downloading one file and its in.rar file form. Now i'm stuck having no clue what to do to access the theme.

Why won't my first generation iphone turn on?

I did everything that i could, & at first i tried holding the on/off button & the apple logo will appear but nothing will happen it will just turn back off? What's the matter. & if you have a sarcastic answer, be aware of a rude answer back *

Can I rejailbreak an iPhone that s already jailbroken?

I've jailbroken my iPhone 4s and my girlfriend's iPhone 4s and I'm enjoying it a lot, but she isn't because it isn't running as smoothly as mine. She can't download a lot of the things that I've downloaded. Other than that, her phone is fine. I'd just like to know if I can rejailbreak her phone without unjailbreaking it? If not, then how exactly do I unjailbreak it? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Why do the names of my artists change when i sync with my iphone?

Every time i sync my iphone with my itunes library it will change the artists names to something different, for example all of my Tupac songs are clearly named Tupac in my library, but when i sync they will be renamed to 2pac, Tupac etc. The part i don't understand is that for my ipod they show up like i have them saved on the computer. If anyone knows why this is and how to stop it please tell me

Will my normal sim card work in iphone4?

Basically I have a blackberry but my mums got a new iPhone so she's giving me her iPhone 4. I know I need to make my sim card into a micro one but will my blackberry data plan work on the iPhone?

Added (1). When I googled it, it said you could but oh we'll I will just go into the shop to get a new sim but thanks

How to get sharpie off a Silicone iPhone case?

I bought a really good white iPhone case from 5 below thinking I could costomize it with sharpie. Well not thinking I sharpied it and the sharpie just rubs off onto my hands as I new a way to get it off I've tryed soap and water but it didn't work.

Should I get Samsung Galaxy or iPhone?

Which one is cheaper? Which one would you prefer and why? If the iphone, then which one 3gs, 4, or 4s? If samsung tell me which brand.remember I'm looking for the cheapest phone?

Iphone 4s 5.1.1 activate without original SIM?

I have a friend and he is from France( I'm from Greece)! He just gave me an iphone 4S because he bought a new one! I took it and i updated to 5.1.1 iOS( From Itunes ) but now i can't activate it because it needs the original SIM! IS there any way to activate it?
Thank's in advance!

What are some cool editing apps?

Ok I recently purchased an iPhone 4S, and made an instagram account. There seems to be one app in particular, that has caught my attention. It has an image, and almost another image faded onto it. I have asked people what app it is, and they won't tell me. It seems really cool, does anyone know what its called? And what are some other cool editing apps?