IPhone won't let me download apps over my network?
My iPhone will only let me download apps from my computer or over Wi-Fi. Can anyone tell me why this is or help me with this?
My iPhone will only let me download apps from my computer or over Wi-Fi. Can anyone tell me why this is or help me with this?
I'm on my iPhone rite now and I'm tryna watch dragon ball z (don't laugh I'm still a kid) and this stupid apple rewards website keeps coming up so I can't watch. Is there a way I can block it? (my laptops not working so I can't watch on there!) okay thanks. X
I currently have a cell phone plan with unlimited internet but it is not a data plan. I would like to use an iphone but not have to change my cell phone plan. Is there a way to do so?
Added (1). I would like to use my iphone safari all the time even if there's no Wi-Fi available.
An app on the ipod touch/iphone where you can get bbm pin? X?
Added (1). I'm not a numpty what i ment is is tere any apps where you can get please pins dor your blackberry not turn it into a blackberry! Or is there any apps where pins r popular or any social apps that r good on the ipod/iphone not like facebook or twitter or myspace x
All of a sudden everytime I try to download a app from the app store my Phone keeps saying "not enough local storage". Usually I just delete some things off my phone and that helps but not in this case. I called apple support and they werent much help at all. I tried to clear up iCloud a bit to make more room for storage but that didn't work either. I dnt know what else to do I need help please
I have Verizon & I'm scheduled for an upgrade in February. But I was wondering how much an Iphone would be if you could upgrade to one?& what about data plan? I want the cheapest one.& what's the cheapest Iphone I could get? How much is a 4 & 4s? Would the 5 or any of them be free?
Why won't my iPhone 4s update my apps?
Hi. I bought an AT&T iPhone 4s (from eBay) and I've been trying to activate it with Go Phone but I haven't been able to, so I was wondering if I could activate it with VirginMobile or do I need to buy a Virgin Mobile iPhone?
I have 3 other questions about Factory Locked iPhone 4s:
How do you know if 'your' iPhone is unlocked? How do you unlock an iPhone 4s for free? And Finally, will I lose everything like my pictures, videos, contacts Ect. When I unlock it?
I have sprint btw
On our plan are 3 people and we all have basic phones.
Basically, these phones suck and you like can't even buy anymore basic phones. They are all smartphones and iphones now.
How much do you think it would cost just for ONE smartphone and 2 basic phones on a monthly bill?
And how much would it be for 3 people to have smartphones?
How much is your bill for a smartphone or iphone?
Ok so my friend is currently making a game that works for a computer. And I wanna know can we also convert it into a game/app for iPhones, iPods and iPads. For example could Happy Wheels be turned into an app game for iPhone at the app store? If so how would we come about that?
[obviously I'm talking about our game not happywheels] Ty.