How to get a movie on my iPhone
Do i download it from itunes or what? Thanks
i can only see game apps to download on my itunes
Do i download it from itunes or what? Thanks
i can only see game apps to download on my itunes
I recently purchased a sim card from straight talk wireless, to use in my iPhone 4 (a friend gave me this iPhone as payment for a debt he had amassed with me.) He originally found it at Disney, where the workers told him he might as well keep it. I went to all US providers, and none of them could give me info about the phone, origination, or how to get passed the sim pin lock. After extensive searching online, I found out it originated from Orange Wireless (England). Serial number: GSM (china)16gb iPhone4 Model A1332 EMC 380A FCC ID BCG-E280A IC-579c-E2380a.
To start off, the phone had a sim pin lock, which I could not get around.iTunes also gave me an error message every time I attempted to restore the device. The only way I could get it to boot to the main board was to jailbreak it with Redsn0w b2 (5.1.1.iOS on device) I still have yet to get the iPhone to recognize the Straighttalk sim card. I even restored it after the jailbreak, and it still wouldnt recognize the sim; Even though SAM recognized the sim#. I used to get the APN codes, and then even tried SAM hacktivation, and Tetherme. Still I can't get my iPhone activated on Straighttalk, or even to recognize the sim. When I put the sim card in before the jailbreak, it would always read: This sim card is not supported, please enter a compatible sim card. Yet I have read everywhere of people using the exact same phone on Straighttalk… Yet I've worked for hours and hours, and tried everything I have found online, and still nothing. Somebody please shed some light on my dilemma. I'm hoping there's something sombody knows out there that I'm currently unaware of. It would be greatly appreciated, otherwise I feel like I spent $65 for nothing.
My itunes is being horrible, and won't let my sync songs from my library, and now it has synced all my songs onto my ipod twice.
I go to my music tab under my iphone, but it won't let me delete! I right click but there's no delete option. Help! I have the newest version of itunes I believe.
My Iphone 4 is making a buzzing sound coming from the speakers for no reason. It happens strongly when I'm about to receive a text or call, but it's pretty constant. I just noticed it like 30 minutes ago. I've tried resetting it but no luck. Has anyone else had this problem?
What's a good iphone unlock site?
Does anyone know if there are any kingdoms and lords cheats for iphone or even android. I just starting playing this game and i really need a kingdoms and lords hack for free diamonds and coins. I don't want to pay in the game and have been looking everywhere for a kingdoms & lords hack download without surveys and that doesn't need a jailbreak. Please if ne one knows a kingdoms and lords cheats or hacks program please post it here.
I'm looking for a fake iPhone, I heard of one called the AirPhone
I'm just comning out of a contract with *** at&t finally, lol. I was opening up to changing carrier if neccesary, and iv looked and asked around all the carriers most of them end up confusing me or hiding hidden fees, i wanted to know what's the CHEAPEST carrier, wether it be at&t, sprint, verizon,. For a two people family plan. I don't mind the few minutes but i mind the text messaging and the data. I need those last two. Please and thank you i don't wana spend more than 150 a month, and if possible avoid another 2 year commiment
I have songs on in my library and I have been trying to get them on my iPhone. It syncs but then cancels. But when my sister plugged in her iPod, All the songs in my library when on her iPod. It won't do that for my iPhone! My iPhone just cancels.
I have only 100 pictures on my iphone and it takes up 6 gb in memory. Meanwhile I have 800 songs and that only takes up 2gb?