IPhone 4S group/mass messaging into individual thread?

Was wondering if there was a way to send group/mass text and then make the messages go to each contact's individual thread? I don't like the way when I send a mass text and then when someone replies, i get it in their individual thread and the text i sent them isn't there. Is there a way? Using iPhone 4S on 5.1.1. I also turned off group messaging because then everyone gets a response when one person replies, and not everyone likes that. I want a way to send a mass text w/o going to each individual's thread.

IPhone 4S display vs HTC One X display: which one is better?

According to Apple and other sources, at 300 pixels per inch, the human eye can't distinguish between individual pixels, and with 326ppi, the Retina Display is comfortably over that 300ppi limit. But the HTC One X is 312ppi, also above the 300ppi limit, so does that technically make it a "Retina" display? (The One X also has a 1280x720 res while iPhone 4S has 960x640)

Best iphone strategy games to get?

Hi I'm looking for a some great strategy games for iphone. I'm a PC gamer who has run out of time and now just got an iphone and playing games on it instead. No time to game on PC any more! There really need to be more high quality strategy games for the iphone. What are your favorite strategy games?

IPhone cydia respring problem?

Nearly everytime I unlock my phone it resprings it's really annoying and I think it's because of intelliscreenx or sbsettings Any idea how I can stop respringing so often?

Iphone screen broke, need info on it

Dropped my iphone by accident at work and the lcd broke so I can't see anything. But everything works fine. So I'm using my backup blackberry phone but there are numbers in my iphone contact list that i need and I never really backed up my iphone before hand because its an old 3G and jailbroken. I just need to know how to get the contact list from my iphone to my computer some how… Thanks!

How to play pokemon emerald?

So I really miss the old days with pokemon and stuff. I want to play emerald again but I don't have a gameboy or ds or anything like it. I want to know how to play it elsewhere, I have an iPhone 4s and a computer, can I play it on either one (preferably without jailbreak)