IPhone 4S camera won't open?

A house fire happened, and I've lost everything. My clothes, electronics, and most importantly my mom. We went back into the house, trying to find what we can.nothing was still good, but my moms phone.

there's so many pictures on it. I want to keep them, but the camera shutter thing won't open. It was working earlier today, but once I clicked on the button to switch the camera, the shutter thing closed, and won't open. & now it doesn't work.

I have no laptop or anything to back up everything. I've tried turning off the phone, & even pressing the lock button & the home button. It still doesn't work. I want it to work, but I can't bring it in, because it's not my phone, nor do I have money. & I can't make sure everything is still saved, before I erase everything and try to set it up as a new device. But then I can't because I don't have a laptop or anything.

Please Help.

Added (1). I'm posting it on the Internet, because my moms phone still works from the fire, and her cell phone plan has Internet on it? Wtf. Do you not think, or read.or…

Iphone 4s makes blip sound when I send a text?

I just got my first iphone today and don't really understand it yet. Is there a way to turn this off or do I just have to live with it? I've looked at the sound settings but I don't know.

Did my iPhone 4 get a virus?

I recently travelled to England (I'm from the states). I did use some free Wi-Fi spots when I found them if that has anything to do with it. Anyway now eversince I came home the texting between my family and I is messed up. I will text someone and it will come through as an email address. Then I will be texting my grandmother and it will send the entire conversation to my mom saying she set the messages that I wrote… I know kinda confusing. Also some messages my grandmother won't be able to read. It just started when I returned home. It's literally like the whole conversation will just get sent straight to my mother that she wasn't included in… Help!

IPhone 3G JailBreak Software?

I Have An iPhone3G Thats
IOS 4.2.1
Modem Firmware 05.15.04
Next To The Version Number Is (8C148)
Can Someone Provide A Link On Where I Can Get The Software To Jailbreak It
Can You Also Provide A Link (If You Know One) On How To Unlock It

IPhone won't go dark when I'm talking on the phone?

I think it's ever since I reset my phone (holding the 2 buttons or whatever) my iPhone 3g won't go dark when I put the phone up to my ear to talk on the phone. Which is annoying because now my cheek pushes random things on the screen… Any idea how to fix this?

A found iphone 4s that has been remotely wiped?

I found an iphone 4s just yesterday and my conscious finally caught up to me but it might be too late. I turned it on to see if any contacts i can call know who's it is but it has been wiped totally clean. Also the simcard has been de-activated so all it says is no service. How would i return this to the owner?

I forgot my restriction passcode on my iPhone 4?

Okay, so i tend to buy apps unintentionally so i locked my app store and put a restriction pass-code. Today i went to unlock the app store and i forgot my restriction pass-code. So i went to restore my iPhone 4 and you need your damn restriction pass-code. I really want my app store back. Someone please help. Please not smartass answers. I'm desperate.<3 thanks<3

At&t iphone 4 unlock by imei factory unlock solution?

Where can i get my att iphone 4 unlock by imei this service i need for my phone. I bought it from ebay and craiglist and they both need to be unlocked to use with another carrier because its locked to at&t. I tried calling att but because i'm not a customer i won't get it done. Please advise me further.

How to add new albums to my Iphone 4?

I've tried everything! My most recent try was to move all my photos on my windows pc and make folders in folders. I tried using the main folder to transfer on itunes but it didn't work. It said "No photos were moved because you're phone will be over capicity " Does that mean I will never add new photo albums on my phone? I know this is kinda obvious but i need suggestions! Please and thank you!