IPhone 4S camera won't open?
A house fire happened, and I've lost everything. My clothes, electronics, and most importantly my mom. We went back into the house, trying to find what we can.nothing was still good, but my moms phone.
there's so many pictures on it. I want to keep them, but the camera shutter thing won't open. It was working earlier today, but once I clicked on the button to switch the camera, the shutter thing closed, and won't open. & now it doesn't work.
I have no laptop or anything to back up everything. I've tried turning off the phone, & even pressing the lock button & the home button. It still doesn't work. I want it to work, but I can't bring it in, because it's not my phone, nor do I have money. & I can't make sure everything is still saved, before I erase everything and try to set it up as a new device. But then I can't because I don't have a laptop or anything.
Please Help.
Added (1). I'm posting it on the Internet, because my moms phone still works from the fire, and her cell phone plan has Internet on it? Wtf. Do you not think, or read.or…