Problem deleting texts from iPhone 4?

I'm running out of storage on my iPhone, so I decided to clean house. My texts are one of my biggest storage uses, because I never delete them, so I started there. Unfortunately, I've sent and received so many texts from some people that I can't mass delete them. Everytime I try my phone freezes for 10 minutes, crashes, and restarts, with all of the texts still there. I really don't want to delete them one by one… Does anyone have a solution?

Rogers iphone 4 and 4s factory unlock by imei?

Anyone know where i can buy the factory unlock service by imei to unlock my rogers iphone 4 and 4s. I need the unlock through itunes the permanent unlock that i can use my iphone with any sim. Please if you are referring someone please refer someone that is trustworthy and you have dealth with them yourselves. I will be paying by paypal to secure myself.

My iPhone isn't charging but it says it is?

I got my iphone less than a month ago and today it ran completely out of battery. Now it isn't charging but I have the screen with the red lightning bolt. I'm on vacation so I can't plug it into my computer. What do I do?!

Can i download Dragonvale onto a jailbroke iphone 3g?

I have a huge question… I'm currently using an iphone4 but i don't want to jailbreak it because it is still under warrenty… I still have my iphone3 though, what i'm wanting to know is if i jailbreak my iphone3 will i be able to download Dragonvale onto it because right now with it not jailbroken it says " This app is incompatible with this iphone"… Can someone please help me because i would hate to go through all the trouble of jailbreakung it for it to still not work…

IPhone just died! What do I do

My Iphone has just died on me, was working fine a few minutes ago! I know everyone says press down the two buttons together, but my lock button has broke on my phone and I haven't been able to lock it in a while! Is there any other way I can get it back on or does this mean a trip to the apple store? Will they be able to fix it? :/

Dropped my Iphone in the pool?

So I had the brilliant idea of not checking my pockets before I jumped in the pool. Right when I jumped in I realized that my Iphone was in my pocket. I immediately jumped out of the pool. Obviously it would not turn on and the back light won't turn off. My friends and I put the phone in a bowl of rice to see if that works. Do you think I have any chance of recovering the phone? Also, how long should I keep it in the bowl?

Can I unjailbreak my iPhone 3GS WITHOUT messing up my unlock?

I want to unjailbreak my phone because it's slow and I don't care about cydia or changing and tweaking my iPhone. Its unlocked for straight talk. If I restore my phone will I lose my unlock? Will it mess my sim up? Can someone link instrutions on how to restore my iPhone?

Cracked garmin for iphone

I got the cracked garmin app and i torrented the map and unlocked it and then added 4 lines to the hosts file everything works didn't pay a penny but i was wondering if there's any way to get traffic on it. I can't get any extras it says please connect to to Wi-Fi or internet when its obviously because its cracked and i was also wondering how i can put an extra voice. Where is it located i have the voice.vpm file and i put it in there but it needs an unlock or something because it doesn't show up in the garmin app. I tried to put in the.unl file in there with the keygened software ID, but i didn't try the software map id but i'm sure it won't work and i did make the ownership mobile mobile and read write execute and read execute and read execute for the.vpm file. So how to i put voices on it and get traffic feed.