Ok so I have an original 2g data plan for my iphone. Everyone else in my family has regular phones which don't use internet or data so first off does my data plan only apply to my one specific phone or the whole family?
Now i got my iphone taken away but I have an old phone with a sim card and my friend gave me one of his old iphones, would I be able to use it with my sim card? And if i do use it would i automatically get charged more for a data plan. I read on a few sites that if you shut off the data on the iphone you won't get charged, but if i do that can i still use wi-fi when i'm at home without getting charged?
these are the sites I looked it up on and I think i'm going to do it but I don't want to get charged for data and have a monster bill come in. Does anybody know if it'll work without charging me for data but allow me to use Wi-Fi?
Added (1). Oh and also i have AT&T if that makes any difference