My data on my verizon iPhone 4S?

Okay so i just got my iPhone 4S 2 months ago and i'm apparently using a lot of data. Does uploading pictures to instagram, or using twitter use a lot of data? I'm going to be a senior and i'm always on these websites and i don't want my parents to pay a lot of money when i know how to control it. Can you help me out?

Where can i buy half pearls online?

I'm trying to find some stuff like rhinestones and lil flowers to make my own iphone case. I already have the clear case. If you know anywhere i can buy thanks.

How to say (write) allergic in Chinese?

Couldn't fit the full Q in the title. Basically I'd like to know how to write (not going to bother failing at pronunciation) "I'm allergic to wheat flour." in as standard Mandarin/Cantonese as possible. I'm keeping a copy of the text on my iPhone so use whatever characters are necessary.
Thanks in advance.

Added (1). Oh and it would be helpful if actual native speakers responded, not students giving it their best shot.

Iphone not showing charging symbol?

My iphone is jailbroken and i have a few themes but don't use any but when i plug in my iphone it stays on the wallpaper like no green battery shows up, my very last resort is restoreing which is my last resort

Skullcandy earphones aren't working on iPhone?

I just bought a new pair of Skullcandy and I plugged them into my iPhone 4 and they don't work. I tried my apple earphones and they work perfectly. What's up?

Added (1). Skullcandy earphone info:
Frequency response: 20-20k Hz
Cable length: 1.2m
Cable type: TPE
Plug type: 3.5 nickel plated

Facebook on iPhone doesn't work safari?

When I click on a picture or post it loads up properly then for some dumbass reason after its done loading fully perfectly the screen goes blank with only the blue bar on the phone screen

M iphone's screen goes big for no reason?

I was on my phone today and I accidentally clicked on an app. Well the screen went big so I exited out of it and it went normal but it immediately went big again. I was gknna call my dad from my mom's phone but my mom restarted my phone for me. But it did it again. And I had to restart it again. Why does it keep doing this?