Iphone 4 stuck in recovery mode? - 1

I have an iphone firmware 4.3.3 baseband 4.10.01
while installing custom firmware my phone disconnected from the laptop and it is stuck in recovery mode.
i don't want to restore with itunes because then i will lose my 4.10.01 baseband and be upgraded to 4.12.01

what can i do

What is the difference between an iphone and a android?

I will be going into my first semester in college and me and my father are finally getting new phones. I have always wanted a iphone, but with our money situation i want to be sure before i shell out a lot of money. What is the difference between the two? Which is better?

How to delete extra photo album off my iphone 4?

On my iPhone, I have albums that I have created from my regular camera roll, and then I have an extra album entitled, photo library. It got on my phone when I synced my phone from itunes. When I try to delete it, it has no delete button, when i try to delete the photos in the album it has no delete button. I don't want this album on my phone. I need to know how to remove it from my phone. Can you tell me step for step?

ITunes won't drag apps to iPhone 4s?

Please help, there's a private photo vault app and it was taken off of the store after I had to restore my iPhone, and its still on my iTunes account on the computer but it won't drag any apps to my iPhone! There's very important pictures on it:/

Android vs iphone? Which is better?

I soon want a new phone but i don't know which to get /: I currently have a beat up android… Its the best phone i've had… Old android users say they love their new iphone and some say they miss their android… I love the near facing camera it has and the emojis… What are some disadvantages and advantages of both?

Song won't play all the way through in iTunes?

When I try to play one of my songs in iTunes, it stops after about 1:15 of playing. In iTunes, the part at the top that shows what song is playing and what part it is at goes back to just showing the apple symbol. When I play it on my iPhone, it stops at the same time then moves on to the next song. It's only this one song that I'm having the problem with. All of my other songs are fine. I did purchase it on iTunes. It's not from a CD. I'm not sure if that makes a difference, but I was wondering if there's anything I can do to get it to play the whole song.

Added (1). Yeah, I was thinking of trying to buy it one more time, but if it still doesn't work I'm not going to try buying it a third time because I don't want to waste my money trying to get it to work when it won't.

Added (2). Unfortunately there only is one version.