IPhone credit card problems?

I have a iPhone 4 and I recently wiped it, and the same time I had gone through a debit card replacement and now iTunes says my credit card doesn't match the banks record and I've talked to both on the phone, and neither knows what's wrong, can anyone help me?

How to remove installous of iPhone?

My friends boyfriend jailbroke my iPhone 3GS and untold him not to and my mums found out and she's going mental at me so i need to know how to remove it

Also there's this thing called winterbored for themes and don't know how tonremove that please could you help thanks xx

Recovering deleted texts off iPhone 4?

I'm having some issues with my girlfriend. I think she is seeing someone else. She deletes all messages every night, never let's me see her phone, and always is texting a guy from work. My question here is how can I see those deleted texts or recover them from an iPhone 4? I believe it's possible to recover them, just not sure how. I know she never plugs it into iTunes so it never syncs or anything.

Can somebody block an iphone after selling it?

I recently bought an verizon iphone with a clean title off of craigslist for dirt cheap, since the guy needed money as soon as possible. Now he's asking to buy the phone back and if I don't sell it back to him he's going to imei block the phone so it won't be able to connect to verizon anymore. Can he do this even though the phone is in my possession now? Is there a way he can track down his phone since I'm using it? What if he has the serial #, and reports it stolen?

Added (1). What if he were to lie or come up with some excuse for verizon to block the phone? Can he still do that even though it's under my name?

Added (2). Sorry if these questions aren't too bright, lol I'm not really tech-savvy

Can I sync iPhone on another computer/iTunes?

My computer wants to be a butthead about iTunes so I'm incapable of using it on my laptop. If I tried syncing with the family desktop, would I be able to access my account and everything so I can back the phone up? Or does it only work on a single computer? (Like my parents tell me)

Added (1). I've tried numerous times to reinstall itunes and its drivers, actually U___U It always tells me the installation of the really important drivers failed.

How to get my iphone to turn back on?

My iphone lock button broke a few days ago and then today it turned itself off and won't turn on it is charged.anyway to turn it on i have tryed plugging it into the computer.

Updating my iPhone 4 to IOS 5.1.1

Okay so i wanna update my iPhone 4 (not 4s) and I'm updating it to IOS 5.1.1 but all my friends who updated say that it restarted or deleted all apps n deleted all or some photos doe sit always do that? I don't mind as much my apps but i want to keep all my photos?

How to convert a book into an app?

I have written and illustrated a small collection of children's books. I want to convert them into an app to be compatible with iPod and iPhone applications. I need the page flip function and to be able to record my own narration of the books so the children can listen.
Can any of the brilliant computer people out there offer any programs (preferably not expensive) or ideas so I can convert these little books myself?