Minecraft pocket edition not working correctly?

For some reason while I was in the middle of playing minecraft pocket edition on my iPad it stopped letting me mine rock type ore like stone, coal, steel, gold, dimmond, ect, ( i mean it will let me mine them but i don't get any item or material from mining them) but it will let me get material from sediment, sand, dirt, trees and everything else. Is this happening to anyone else, or does anyone know why this is happening? Please! I have been working on this castle kingdom for the past week that I was planning on sharing with everyone, but I can't build or do anything. I need your help!

Additional information:
iPad 5.1.1 firmware
Most up to date minecraft pocket edition
Jailbroken device
Performed the duplicate glitch

P.S. I downloaded the same app onto my iPhone and it does the same thing, so I don't think the jailbreak or any of that have anything to do with it. I think it might be a server problem, but I don't know.

What is the best plan for the iPhone 4S?

I have never owned a smart phone before, nor have I ever used one. But my phone is available for an update (on Verizon), and I found out you have to have a Data plan for it. The plans are:

-$30 a month for 2GB
-$50 a month for 5GB
-$80 a month for 10GB

Now I'm a YouTuber, so I plan on using the internet a little bit, and apps a lot. Including Siri. But I don't know how fast that stuff builds up, so I'm trying to figure out the best plan for me. I want more memory, but the plans are so expensive, it's ridiculous. So I figured I would ask someone who knows more about this stuff than me. So if you know, or have a recommendation, then please let me know. Thank you!

Also, how much do apps, Siri, and itunes take up? Because those will be my mainly used things. Mainly Siri, and apps.


How much space does my music take up?

I have 728 songs that take up 3.17 GB on iTunes. Is that normal? I download most of my music, would that cause the songs to take up more space?

I have an 8GB iphone 3GS, and with about 800 songs on there it says my music takes up most of the space. (3.1 GB)

all together, with all my apps and music and photos, it says I use about 5.3 GB. But that I only have 948 MB available?

How to block websites tracking iPhone?

My girlfriend's mother has been tracking her iPhone from a website without my girlfriend's permission and is using it to stalk her position. Is there a way to stop this?

Why does my iPhone photos show the places they were taken?

I noticed that if someone sends me a picture and I save it to my photo album it'll show where the location the picture was taken at.
Some of the pictures I take myself too will show the location in my album.
I'm wondering exactly why it does this lol