Minecraft pocket edition not working correctly?
For some reason while I was in the middle of playing minecraft pocket edition on my iPad it stopped letting me mine rock type ore like stone, coal, steel, gold, dimmond, ect, ( i mean it will let me mine them but i don't get any item or material from mining them) but it will let me get material from sediment, sand, dirt, trees and everything else. Is this happening to anyone else, or does anyone know why this is happening? Please! I have been working on this castle kingdom for the past week that I was planning on sharing with everyone, but I can't build or do anything. I need your help!
Additional information:
iPad 5.1.1 firmware
Most up to date minecraft pocket edition
Jailbroken device
Performed the duplicate glitch
P.S. I downloaded the same app onto my iPhone and it does the same thing, so I don't think the jailbreak or any of that have anything to do with it. I think it might be a server problem, but I don't know.