Can I get the iphone 4s prepaid verizon?

Ok my uncle has the iphone 4s. I currently have an ipod touch which is cracked. My father said he will get me another ipod but instead my uncle said he will give me the iphone for 200$. If i get the iphone i was wondering can I get it prepaid?

I looked at verizon plans online for prepaid and it said something like 99 cent a day and unlimited mobile to mobile and 10/25 cent for messaging and 99 cent a day for mobile web. I want this plan can i do it?

-please reply.

My Turtle Beaches POP like a MoFo! Why?

My turtle beaches are often popping… The popping that hits a certain decibel to make you crazy! I have noticed if I pick up my iPhone and play a YouTube Video it will purposely do it but often times it just does it with nothing else on… Anybody have these issues?

Photo editing app on iPhone?

I have a thing for editing pictures. I was wondering if there was an iPhone app out there that allowed you to make a picture with multiple you's. Like two pictures, but it's edited to where your standing side by side with yourself and it looks real. I hope that makes sense. In essence I want to double myself or another person. If you know of an iPhone app or apps that allow you to do that, please let me know.

What does error 1611 for iPhone 4 mean?

I looked it up but I don't understand what it means. I know it says that I have to disable my security system but I don't have one. Right now my iPhone is on the "Connect to iTunes" logo. When I do it says that this iPhone is in recovery mode. It says I have to restore it to get it to work again. So I go to restore it but it says that error 1611 had occurred.

I asked my parents if we have a security system but we don't and I don't know what else to check. I just got this today and my parents are pretty mad at me.

If you know how to fix this please let me know as soon as possible!

Thanks in Advance!

PS I was doing this because iTunes would recognize my iPhone so I followed what Apple has said on here but it brought me here.

I can't do anything with my phone (i.e.go to contacts, text, get to the password) It is just stuck on the connect to charger symbol.

Are IPod Touches better than IPhones?

I have an iPod 4 generation and was wondering are IPod touches better than iPhones. Here Re my theories. The iPod touch uses free Wi-Fi for FaceTime, texting, Safari browsing, watching YouTube and more whil the iPhone has a regular fee for Internet use. The price range is also a huge difference. The iPod touch is 200/300 dollars And the iPhone is 700/800 dollars plus regular usage fees. Shat do you think is the best option.

Iphone has a white line on screen?

I've read alot of issues with the whole screen being white which is NOT my issue. About a third of the way from the top I have a white line that goes all the way across the screen. My kids had been playing games on it and they claim that it "just happened". Not sure if I believe their story… I've restored the phone to factory settings and it did not go away. Any suggestions?

How to restart my iphone if it is off and the lock button is broken?

The power button has been broken for several months now. And up until now I haven't had to worry about it that much. My only problem was not being able to do a screen snapshot. However, today my phone decided to shut off for no reason. I tried plugging it into the charger and my computer. Didn't work. I even tried take the sim-card out and that didn't work either. Should I just call it quits and get a new phone or can someone out there help me with this!

Iphone dropped in water? - 1

Okay so I dropped my Iphone 4s in water for like 4 seconds. I dried it off and it was fine but then the left side of the screen stopped working. So that stopped and I put it in rice. Then I had it on and it was being fine but then it randomly turned the screen off to the lock screen and back on. So we figured it was something with the charger so I put it on the charger for like a minute and the screen randomly locking stopped. But now the off/on button won't work. Like the one on the top:/ So I have it in rice till tomorrow, do you think the button will start working? If not, what should I do?

Added (1). Thanks guys but I want to know about the noise and the button, do you think that can be fixed by the rice?

Why won't my iPhone let me sign on the my apple id?

I have been trying to sign on because for some reason I need to enter my billing address to get an app that's free. But everytime I do it just keeps asking for it over and over again. It's not that it's incorrect, I even tried changing it and it still won't work. All it's doing is asking over and over again. Can anyone help?