Drawing on my iPhone case with nail polish?

I have a plain white iphone case and want to use nail polish to draw on it, does this work/look good? Also how can I get ideas of what to draw. Have any pictures or anything? Need opinions!

Will my iPhone still work after water damage?

It fell into a bucket of water last night and I can't turn the phone off because the screen is black. I can hear the phone ringing and vibrating, but can't see anything. I put it in a bowl of rice, is this fixable? Will the screen eventually work?

Can I unlock an iPhone 4 on the 3 network?

I'm considering purchasing an iPhone 4 from eBay however, it is on the 3 Network & my contract is with orange. I was wondering; is it possible to unlock the phone via 3 without a 3 simcard? Or is it possible to unlock it easily via any other way?

My iPhone 4 won't send MMS messages?

I just recently got my iPhone 4 last month, so it has the most up to date iOS (5.1.1), however, it doesn't send Multimedia messages (pictures, recordings, and video).It has the camera icon to send them, but when the messages are in the process of being sent, it stops prematurely and says that the file could not be sent. I tried looking for answers to this question elsewhere, but this is the only case I've heard of.

Any help is appreciated.

How to reduce photos on an iphone 4s?

Recently went on a family trip and i took so many pictures.1000. And now my picture storage took up 10gb i need to figure out how to take those pictures and put them on a card or something and get them off my phone because i now have to delete apps and photos to have storage and i don't want to do that

Home button for iphone fell out of iphone

I don't know how the button fell out!
How do I put it back in?

I accidentally dropped the iphone but there was no crack.
The button fell out.

The button can't fit back in the phone… It's too big on the bottom side and there are some black arms on each side.

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Added (2). Awww…

How to make a Grand Theft Auto cover collage using an Iphone?

I want to make a "Grand Theft Auto" theme collage of pictures on my iphone and i can't find no possible way to do it. I don't have photoshop on my computer and i also can't even find a website that would allow me to make the GTA themed collage. Can anybody help me out?