Iphone 4s black screen? And will not respond?

I have an Iphone 4s and it has had a black screen for about 2 hours now I try restarting it and it doesn't work, I try holding the home button and it doesn't work. It's as if it was dead but I charged it for about 1 hour and it still doesn't work! Someone help me before I slam it on the road

To not go over internet usage on iPhone 3gs?

Ok so I still have about 15 days until it starts over & I'm already at 90%! I keep checking to see how much internet data I have used and the number keeps going up but I'm not even using the internet! So what else uses up the internet data? & what can I do to stop it? Also what does enabling 3g do because right now that is on so should I turn it off? And what about cellular data which is also on?

Iphone 4 battery draining quickly

When i bought it a few days ago, my battery was great and lasted long (1.5 days)… As of last night, it keeps losing 10% every hour on standby and not doing anything…

just wondering what's going on? Should i restart it (not just turn it off)? And if so, how do i do that?

i've been doing things such as turning wi-fi and bluetooth off, using auto-brightness, turning off location services and push notifications… I also don't have a lot of apps. Just the normal social networking ones. And i don't call/text that much.

any tips or advice? I'm worried because it seems worse than my blackberry.

should i just follow this guide? Legit or no? Http://www.gottabemobile.com/2012/05/21/how-to-fix-bad-iphone-battery-life-on-ios-5-1-1-in-5-minutes/

Added (1). I'm using the iOS 5.1.1

Does this Sonos speaker setup work?

I'm undergoing a remodel and am going to have walls and ceilings opened up.So, I was going to putter a better whole house system. Initially, I was going to put in just a new dual zone receiver, a monster speaker selector, and the impedence switches in a few rooms and try to connect the house in this way.

All of this was going to run to 2 pairs of Polk RC8's ceiling speakers and 1 pair of external speakers.

I had read about the Sonos system and dismissed it initially, but am now intrigued by the Wi-Fi, iPad, iPhone control of it. I have some questions as a result though.

I'm considering the Sonos ZP120 to provide the amp as well and would like to keep the Polk ceiling setup. My questions are:

* Would I need more than ZP120 to run 3 pairs of the 8ohm speakers?
* If I did have more than one ZP120 for some reason, is the idea that they "speak" to eachother and that is why I can control different speakers in different rooms from one interface?
* Doesn't it seem redundent to have more than one ZP120 with a multi-speaker setup when many people will just be after the additional amp and not really the CPU/control? I don't understand this part.
* If I want to pump the audio from a DVD playing through my TV system through the house (maybe a concert DVD), how would that work?

Pairing jailbroken iphone with new Macbook Pro?

I got a MacBook Pro yesterday and I have an iPhone 3g that is jailbroken using cydia. Will it mess up my jailbreak to pair the iPhone with my new computer via bluetooth? I don't want to have to do the jailbreak again…

Added (1). Might seem like a dumb question to some - sure - but I have seen worse on here. I was warned when I had it jail broke not to do certain updates… But that was quite a while ago and I don't remember all the details. I love my prepaid service and my low monthly payment… Don't want to mess that up.

AT&T can't find my iphone's unlock code?

I called att to get my iPhone on iOS 5.1.1 baseband 4.12.01 unlock and then the person said she could not find my unlock code to unlock my iPhone and that there was nothing she could do?

Why can't she find the unlock code and what else can I do?

My iPhone won't come on, would anyone know why?

It has been dropped and isn't in the best condition… But it will come on and show the black screen with the apple logo and when I plug it up to a computer the low battery bar pops up(Indication for charging). I've tried holding the home and power button to reset it but that's not seeming to work. Would anyone have any suggestions or ideas as to what I could do to make it work?