Content block on iPhone/giffgaff

I need to know if there's a way around the adult bar on giffgaff. I'm 17 and can't officially remove the content lock until I'm 18. Sites such as tumblr and twitter have just been locked on my phone because of this restriction which is ridiculous! I want to know if there's a way around this block without proof of age e.t.c I have an iPhone so if there are any apps that could help please let me know.

I have contacted giffgaff about unblocking tumblr as the tumblr TOS allows 13years+ to sign up so putting a content lock on this site for 18+ is ridiculous. Giffgaff has not replied to me so I need a way around this problem.

Best Individual Plan for an iPhone?

I need some advice from someone who knows about iPhones/phone plans. I'm 18 and I'm looking into updating from my Blackberry to an iPhone. Right now I have Virgin Mobile and I don't like it other than the fact that it's cheap and I have to be on a plan alone, so it seemed like the best bet but the service is horrible. For the iPhone, I'm either considering Sprint, AT&T or Virgin Mobile again. Since I have to be on the plan alone and am leaving for college in a few weeks, I wanted something that I could afford considering I'm leaving my job. The Virgin Mobile plan is unlimited messaging/data for $35 a month, but the phone has an upfront cost of $649.99. The AT&T plan that I'm looking at would be $39.99 a month, unlimited rollover minutes, 5000 unlimited nights/weekends, and unlimited mobile to mobile - it sounds like it would work for me but I'm just wondering if it's likely that I will go over my data if I'm on the internet a lot? The sprint plan is 69.99 a month for unlimited everything pretty much. I don't know which one would be the best bet for me considering I'll be in college. I would like to avoid virgin mobile if I can but if it is the best bet I could consider it. Thanks for any help!

Added (1). Oh and I RARELY talk on the phone so minutes aren't a big deal

Can i buy things on apple app store with my credit instead of using a bank account?

I wanna buy something on the apple app store on my iphone but i wanna buy it with my credit instead of using a bank account, i was just wondering if this is possible if so how? I went on the internet and it said press the option 'none' but i did that and it doesn't work it just says that i need to update my purchase thing to buy something, its really annoying me now.


Hi, so as you can probs tell… I'm GETTING AN IPHONE 4S TOMORROW!
I'm so excited and I can't sleep that I'm that exciteddm I have to be up early for school and I can't sleep and I will be so tired.
Can you give me some ideas to get to sleep please!
10 points!

Decoding iPhone 4 serial numbers?

I have found a lot of info on this on the internet yet none of it seems to apply to me. My serial number starts with DX4 and I have not been able to locate how to decode this type of serial number. I know supposedly the 4 means the year but how is that possible that would mean my phone was made in 2004 but it is an iPhone 4?

Added (1). I did not misread the year I'm just giving the first three characters of my phone DX4 based on what i've found that 4 should be the year but that's impossible

Emoji not showing up in received text messages on iPhone 4?

I have an iPhone 4, it is NOT jailbroken, and ever since i've had it (over a year now) i've had the Emoji keyboard installed and never had a problem with it.

Last week however, it randomly stopped working. Now it still allows me to use the key board and send texts with emoji in them, but when it comes to receiving texts with emoji, it either won't show up at all, or it'll be replaced with underscores like this: __

I've tried uninstalling and deleting the keyboard and redownloading it, and even tried restoring my phone via itunes, but still no luck!

Does anyone know how to fix this, or had similar problems? It's really frustrating and i'm not sure if its a big enough problem to take to the apple store!

Added (1). To clarify the answer below, people are receiving my emoji to their iPhones fine, but when they send them back to me my phone doesn't display them!

How to clear sync list in Itunes?

I was trying to add some music to a friends Iphone and I selected to many files, now I can't even add anything because the sync list is to big to fit on the phone, it just says that it can't sync there isn't enough room every time i try. I have tried clearing sync history, that didn't work, someone must know how to get this sorted, please help

IPhone 3GS reception problem?

I've always had very good reception but out of nowhere i just get no reception at all… I was wondering what part of the phone would be causing that. I'm on ios 5.1.1 and i did a complete restore to see if that would fix it but it didn't so what is it?

Texting issues between Droids and iPhones?

So I have the Droid Razr on the Verizon Wireless network. The people I'm mostly texting throughout the day have iPhone (4 and 4s same network). Now when I'm texting them some messages aren't getting through to them, I have delivery reports on to see if it was getting sent or not and a lot of them stay in "Pending". This happens with no other phones or networks. They all go through regardless except on the iPhones. Even if the texts are short they still don't get through. Any idea on how to fix this? I already tried the factory reset and tried a different messaging app ( I know it wouldn't make a difference just had hope.) So what's the fix?

My iMessage won't activate on my iPhone 3gs?

It just says waiting for activation and i really confused. I don't know how to activate it and i want to use my number not my apple account any help?

Added (1). And how do i activate it