What are some FREE multiplayer games on iphone?

Just got and iphone and want some multiplayer games that are free.preferably FPS. But I'm open to others.
I will be playing online using my Home's internet connection so keep that in mind.

Reasons to get an iPhone? - 1

I'm 14 and at least 10 of my friends and my boyfriend have iPhones and my mom says that she is okay with me getting one but I would have to convince my dad. He is very stubborn and will take a lot of convinving. What are some reasons I should tell him why I should get one?

Best place to buy iPhone 4 with upgrade?

I'm upgrading to iPhone and I wanna know where I should buy it? Like at the apple store or sprint or best buy? Also is it wise that I buy an iPhone at this time?

Can you recover deleted iphone pictures?

I was using this app called "Sync Up" powered by Nero attempting to sync music onto the computer, when I accidentally deleted 700 or so photos that were stored on my iPhone. I recently got a new laptop so the pics were not saved. I didn't want them on the computer so I pressed delete but it ended up deleting them from my phone too. Not sure if there's any way to recover them.

Why can I not install this app on my iPhone?

I have an 8GB, 4th generation iPod touch (the white one, to be more specific).In 'settings' and under 'usage', it says that I have 2.6 GB of storage available. But when I went to re-download the app "Modern Combat 3", (which is only 1.09 GB) it said that "there's not enough local storage" to install the app. NOTE: I bought this game before, had it on my device, and deleted it. Now I want to put it back on. I've also restarted my device and tried to download it on my computer. I'm simply stumped.

Why isn't my iphone turning on? - 1

I have an iphone 4s and i put it in the battery charger for it to charge and i was waiting for the screen to light up, but it didn't and i tried pressing the home button and the lock button but they both arnt working i also tried holding them down and thats not working either. Should i jus give it time to rest?