Cheats or hacks for hay day for the iPhone?

Is there any cheats or hacks that I can use to get more money or diamonds? Don't post any links because I can't get them. My phone won't allow me to see the links. So if you could write it that would be helpful.

IPhone 3GS not working right at all?

I bought the iPhone 3GS a year ago and ever since I updated to IOS5 my phone getting pergressivly worse. I'm missing calls because it's not ringing or vibrating. It's constantly freezing, crashing moving really slow. It seems like its getting worse everyday. Is it because of IOS5 or is my phone just going bad?

IPhone 5 for $800? Why so high?

I accidently had some typos in my last post. Anyways why so high? You don't say? Why the heck is it so high? What can it do? Experts?

IPhone 4 with straight talk?

Okay so i've really been wanting an iPhone 4. Problem is, they're really expensive monthly. Straight talk is $45 a month for unlimited everything, but i'd need an AT&T iPhone. (So i've heard.) I also read that if you go to the apple store, all you're getting is an iPhone. So i can pay $99 for an 8GB iPhone 4 there without yet having a plan or a chosen carrier. If I purchase the sim off of straight talk, will that work? Or do i need to pay extra by getting an Unlocked iphone from AT&T?

How to delete emails on an iphone without?

Opening them?
As soon as I click on an email, it opens, whether I want to open it or not.
Is there a way of getting rid of the ones I don't want without opening them, and if so, how do I do it?